Cute, but I wished there was more fanservice to it etc. It's very simple but it works well enough and is a p decent if not clunky action puzzler

It's cute, but it being unfinished is very evident. Shoutouts to Megumi-Tan though.

Extremely charming and beautiful game that sadly starts slipping in the later missions.

Cute and fun at times but it's janky, has terrible draw distance and is really bad at making itself feel intuitive. I would forgive it more if not for it releasing late 2000. Music is p neat tho

shoutouts to the music on the prototype MVS version. Glad it needed 4 composers

Classic SMT fun, still holds problems of those early titles and game is definitely unbalanced in quite a few aspects but overall it's highly recommended if you are a fan of those games. Like SMT games often are, the game is lopsided in it's difficulty where the start is by far the most punishing, so if you are struggling just hold out a bit because it becomes a lot better. Dialogue is overall a lot of fun and I really like the characterization. Maybe I'll expand on my thoughts later idk lol

Lacking port puts it down half a star

Lacking port puts it down half a star

Tee K.O. 2 and dodo re mi are awesome but having to endure fixytext and hypnotorious was cruel as they gotta be the lowest the series have sunken before.
Time jinx is cool i guess even though years are the least fun type of trivia

Such a hilarious time capsule from the early 2000s. It isn't super fun but it works pretty consistently and is short and quick paced enough to not be a bother. Just watch a video on it instesd of playing unless you are really starved for a poor man's perfect dark

It's a good step forward for 2d mario and it is a blast when at it's best. It's very clear the goal was to create a modern Super Mario World. It is full of charm lovely original enemies and had a LOT of really fun gimmicks. Yet it does leave some things to be desired. Levels are a bit too short overall and would really benefit for being about 40% longer on average.

The badge system is really fun in theory and a lot of the badges are really fun, yet they suffer to massive balancing issues. I think you should have been able to equip two badges, alternatively make it a points system where you can only equip up to a point total to make the lesser badges gain more value. It's particularly a shame because the very first badge you get is arguably the best one in the entire game.

The powerups are pretty dang fun and I loved bubble in particular. Drill is fun but it may be the most busted 2d mario powerup, maybe ever (not counting glorified skips) and it feels a bit ridiculous.

The music has its great highlights but other than those it wasn't the most fresh which is a shame. Also like always Nintendo lack the most rudimentary options so you can't adjust the music and SE volume separately

On the other hand the game didnt have any tesl low points and I'm really happy with how lives were handled. Platformers have had a bad habit of removing them as of the recent years which makes them a lot less exciting and instead more stale.

Wonder is a very optimistic glimpse into 2d mario's future and a game like this that fixes the previously mentioned issues could be an easy 10/10. It gave me hope in a company i had almost given up on and I think that is something to applaud in itself.