The pinnacle of pokemon that has still yet to be topped.

"what if we made GTA but it was more boring"

i played this game like 3 times, and played this version once too. Cannot recall much besides i was pretty bored the entire time after the first playthrough. Also the second game ruins this games story imo

its atleast a version that runs way better than the 2011 GFWL port. While an overhyped game imo, its hard to deny its prestige and its attempt

I need to replay gen 5, but i remember it being a bit of a shake up with the genre. the game has annoyances but it keeps up the quality from HGSS even if the story doesnt hold as much

i put over a thousand hours into this game before i was 10 years old. Its pretty good.

i would play this with my grandfather late at night during sleepovers. I remember vividly laughing my ass off because i would keep finding him and shooting him in the back, and he was having so much fun too.

If as grandfather can enjoy this game, you can too.

Pokemons first peak imo. Gold and Silver/Red and Blue-Green were beta versions, and Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald seem to be the first complete pokemon games

you can play Low Rider by War in this game, pretty good imo.

the biggest breathe of fresh air after the DLC-lite esque game that was Kiwami 1. Its jarring going from the old Y0 dragon engine, to this dragon engine where people are GMO-esque ragdolling across the map, but after awhile, i dont know if im willing to go back.

also i mean its probably the best Yakuza story.

I had never played a game like civ, until i just tried it. It literally birth my love for a genre, and to this day i remember being so insanely focused on my little naval invasion of Greece, i hadnt noticed it was 4am

The only time a game has actively focused on story rather than intractability, and it ended up working out flawlessly. I seriously believe they will make this story a movie in a couple years

My favorite Halo game. Blends the Halo combat with more tactically sound gunplay.

just fucking make SKATE 4 already. god.

like minecraft if you arent playing it to relax, but more want a game