YHARNAM O' YHARNAM.... you shall be the best souls game

Stop giving David Cage a budget. I feel bad giving this a low score solely because my girlfriend liked it.

Bayonetta but more fun, AND she has short hair now. Awesome.

Just fun action and you get to play as bayonetta, can't get much better than that

The best tech demo to ever exist. On top of the game being free, it showcases the PS5's ability with so many nice references, with the especially niche ones making me really happy. It's a love letter to Playstation fans.


the game has so much potential, it just wasn't here.

This game looks cool, but I played the whole game expecting more to happen. The story is very generic and the combat is pretty standard. The closer I got to the end, I felt like one of the writers just decided to throw a bunch of ideas at the wall and mashed it all together into a big mess.

A nice distraction from chaos, however feels pretty empty after you complete the main goal. Compared to previous games there is a lack of content that was drip fed over time, and still isn't enough. It is very cozy though

I'm glad this gamw managed to get a sequel, however I wish it wasn't as loosely connected. There are a lot of cool ideas that are kind of dismissed because of that. First game aside, this game still delivers with an engaging story and cast of characters, just slightly less than it's counterpart.

This game kept me on my toes the whole experience. Little visual novels have characters that are all charming and gace meaning to the story. I think it doesn't take itself too seriously which helps maintain the important aspects and scenes of the story. I want to kiss Kaname Date.


Pretty game, very relaxing, I don't need much more