meow meow a very beautiful and cozy game. Not much to it but you don't need a lot to find enjoyment as a kitty

Steins;Gate is the absolute best time-travel story ever told. With a subject like this, it's inevitable you'll find plotholes, but this story makes sense (Besides the vegetables bit). The story comes together from beginning to end, and everything has a purpose, and is told explicity.

There's a huge turning point in this game where you realize, you can't keep pretending anymore, and it's portrayed so well, and your sense of dread just keeps going. The game can be sloe at times, but I think thats necessary in order to establish important events.

Steins;Gate is the best time travel story that utilizes ideas I've never seen before. If you can stomach a lot of text, it's a fantastic time.

Just a fun platformer and collectathon. I think gameplay can be a bit clunky at times, but overall lands pretty well.

The online sucks but it's more user-friendly.

The singleplayer is pretty good, and most levels are really fun and utilize multiple weapon-types.

I will continue blaming my teammates for my ranked game losses, even though I just suck

Single-player Splatoon peaked here. The levels here are so intuitive and use your knowledge of the mechanics to the fullest, while introducing new ones. Each level gives you such a rush, and are all so satisfying.

I get way too competitive knowing I'm playing against actual 12 year-olds

It's so funny looking back at this because I used to play this so much as a kid, but I just remember broken levels and glitches. The story is stupid and artstyles that should not come together, do. Momentum is terrible, and it's so hard to get a grip on any of the controls.

yup that is a game I played as a kid. There was a crocodile.

The best 2D sonic game, and Sega couldn't do it themselves. With varied levels and design, the game lets you explore, while still going fast. The music is top-notch here, as well.

A refreshing mix of new and classic Sonic. Sega wants to this feeling so bad again

This game feels more like a test to see which direction the series will go, but it's the right one.

Sonic has needed a big area to just go fast in, and the game gives you that. There's restrictions with some walls, and puzzles feel kind of scattered, but they're fun to figure out. Classic levels return, but they're good again! I don't feel blocked or slow while playing them.

The story doesn't feel like anything much, but the boss fights are great, and are really grand-feeling.

What if Sonic Generations was bad and Sonic met Chris-Chan?

I can't give this one an honest review because I played it as a kid, but I remember the turtle being a funny little guy!

Sly cooper is such a stylistic game. It's these games that still look good today. With a comic-book style, Sly's linear platforming is a fun time, with a bit of unfair design. The game feels like it's setting up for more, but it stands out due to its stealth, and fast paced levels.