68 reviews liked by popcultureme

I can't remember the last time I canceled a game, but Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora successfully managed to be uninstalled from my PS5.
The only positive thing about this game is the open world. Exploring Pandora is really fun, but it didn't improve the gaming experience for me.
To summarize the game in one sentence I'll just say it's like Far Cry only with Avatar skins.
On top of that, the story is poor and very uninteresting, Ubisoft really didn't put any effort into it.

A bad buy for me personally.

Damn this game could have been so much more. Just like Ryse: Son of Rome, from a graphical standpoint, the game looks amazing, better than most games today.
The Order: 1886 is set in an alternative Victorian 1886 with retro-futuristic steampunk atmosphere and fantasy/horror elements like Werewolves, Lycans and Vampires.
The story was good, i liked the Knights of the round table stuff and i liked Sir Galahad. The gameplay was also good, i liked the shooting and the futuristic weapons. Overall, the game geels great and the story does its job, I dont have many bad things to talk about The Order but... why the hell is it so short? It takes like 6 hours to finish it and that's not enough for this kind of game with such a good potential, also they charged a lot for this one, the price was unjustified and wasn't worth it.
Maybe if there was a sequel, I would overlook the length of the game and it wouldn't be a problem anymore, but i wanted to see more of The Order. Its a shame really.
This is one of the games that had potential but it was never fulfilled. I would sacrifice franchises like idk Horizon or a new Uncharted for a new The Order but that's just me:))) i find The Order more interesting, more of 'my cup of tea'.

Yeah it‘s a nice Multiplayer Game, but I‘m taking a break.

Damn... can't wait for the last part of the trilogy

More of the same after Resident Evil 4, which is a very good thing right off the bat. It's a shame that the game is led by one of the most bland characters in the series, Ada. And this version of her with this voice actor is particularly lackluster. Very uninteresting voice acting. The game itself follows the same flow as these recent REs, if you like it (I personally love it), you'll enjoy it. With a cool addition being the grappling hook, it's very satisfying to use it in combat.

The criticisms also come a bit from the fact that at times they stretched the limits of what can be done in terms of enemy placement, such as the room where you're trapped with several suits of armor. The crossbow is also a somewhat bland weapon, lacking the punch you expect it to have. At least we have the Red9 back, so the fun is guaranteed, anyway.

I can't believe what I'm seeing: Capcom has finally made a DLC that was worth the fucking money.

Even though it, understandably, repeats locations from Re4: it doesn't even matter. The gameplay loop is so good and the arenas are so memorable that, you know what? I think I will take a tour of the village again. RE4 is the one this works best in as I am always willing to play through RE4 again and again.

you are mostly going through truncated sections of the main game, so you never get into the flow that RE4 proper gets you into, but as bite sized bits of RE4 it is such an excellent package.

I am personally not a fan of what they did with the U3 boss fight, as they abandoned the cool section where you drop him in a cargo container in favor of the less interesting cave battle.

Another issue, and as much as i wanted to be nice about this, I find the voice acting for Ada very tough on the ears. I really tried, but I did my Tomb Raider 2013 strategy of switching to the French dub to put some distance between myself and the voice overs. Also, I am so fucking sick of Albert Wesker. He is just nothing. To be fair, every Resident Evil character not named Leon is a total fucking nothing, but the neverending doofus wars of Chris Redfield and Albert Wesker are just an anchor around this series.

I think this is an excellent companion piece to the already excellent RE4 campaign, and is actually GOOD. After playing total fucking dogshit like Shadow of Rose and Not A Hero it is like a gift from God In Heaven that one of these DLCs that I always fall for is not only good, but REALLY good.

Also, unrelated note, but I played this with the mod that replaces Ada's clownish default outfit with Regina's outfit from Dino Crisis. I am always chasing the high of a Dino Crisis game that isn't a total fucking bore.

The RE engine was developed solely just for Ada’s ass to move like this my god

With my completion of RE8 I’ve come to the end my Resident Evil marathon, which consisted of me playing through every mainline game and a couple of spin-offs over the course of 4 weeks. With that context, it’s going to be very difficult for me to not constantly compare RE8 with other Resident Evil titles in this review, so I’m not even going to try to avoid it. If RE7 can be thought of as a modern successor to the original Resident Evil, RE8 can be thought of as a modern successor to RE4. RE7 was fantastic in a lot of ways but due to balance and design choices that weren’t always suitable for a classic survival horror experience, it’s gameplay was unable to live up to that of the titles it was emulating. RE8, on the other hand, does a significantly better job at being a fitting successor to RE4.

Balancing of weapon power, resources, healing items, and currency in RE8 is nearly perfect for the action horror Resident Evil formula. You’re much more agile in this game than Leon was in RE4, but to make up for this, the enemies are significantly faster and more aggressive as well. RE8 has by far the most aggressive enemies in any Resident Evil game I’ve played. Because of this, there’s a tension to combat, a feeling that you could be overwhelmed at any moment that’s present in RE8. This was also present in RE4 and was one of the keys to making its gameplay feel like action horror as opposed to just action. RE8 also changed up its gameplay at various points which keeps things fresh. I won’t spoil it because doing so would be a tragedy but there’s a section of this game that goes full survival horror and it was (for me at least) probably the most scared I’ve ever been playing a video game. The presence of an open hub world with optional bosses and treasures that gradually opens up as you collect more key items was also a really cool way to intermittently change up gameplay. Exploring this hub world and gathering new items to access additional areas created a similar emotional / reward experience to exploring in a metroidvania or the legend of zelda.

One of my biggest problems with RE7 was its lack of enemy variety, which while making sense as a design choice, just made the game really boring in the 2nd half. RE8 thankfully has a ton of different standard enemies, bosses, and mini bosses, all of which behave differently and demand the player approach them strategically if they want to prevail.

Story and writing in RE8 takes on the same serious tone as it did in RE7 but is overall less effective. I don’t have a ton to say about the story and writing - it’s totally serviceable and enjoyable save for one instance where a character behaves in a really confusing and irrational way that will probably annoy most players. RE8 didn’t really take full advantage of its serious tone and atmosphere like RE7 did, which got me kind of wishing it had gone the classic RE route of being a campy schlock fest. I mean a game where the primary enemy type is a werewolf is the perfect opportunity to go full horror b-movie. That’s just me though. I love that stuff enough that I would have been totally happy if Wesker had been nonsensically brought back from the dead to be this games surprise antagonist.

— (takes off sunglasses and twirls black leather trench coat) “Once I had reached my true power not even hell could contain me, Redfield!” —

I have more to say on this game but feeling very lazy at the moment so going to cut it short. Opinion is that this game is very enjoyable and does a surprisingly good job at being a spiritual follow up to RE4 despite it never reaching the same heights as that game. In my opinion this is also the only non remake Resident Evil game post RE4 that feels like a really solid and fulfilling experience instead of wasted potential.



A really cool game that I respected more than enjoyed for most of my playthrough. Tunic is a meditation on the classic Zelda formula and a reflection on the days in which the instruction manual was necessary to understand the game. Takes inspiration from the Souls series, but I think this aspect is perhaps the weakest part of the game. The combat was fun, but never felt deep enough to justify the emphasis it recieved in the game.

Als Vorbereitung auf Alan Wake II und um das Remedy Connected Universe weiterzuführen habe ich nun auch Control gespielt.

Die Story und das Setting ist stark inspiriert an der SCP Foundation, was ziemlich cool ist. Denn das Konzept von alltäglichen Gegenständen und Kreaturen, die unsere Welt beeinflussen können fand ich auch schon damals faszinierend. Doch leider ist unsere Protagonistin einfach zu langweilig, dass die Story einen richtigen Sog entwickeln konnte.

Das Gameplay hingegen macht teils richtig Laune. Das Kämpfen fühlt sich hervorragend an und die Telekinese Kräfte sind sehr satisfying zu nutzen. Die Map war für mich jedoch eine reinste Katastrophe. Ich hab eh schon keinen Orientierungssinn und da hat es Control mir echt nicht leicht gemacht. Ich bin umhergeirrt wie ein Vollidiot.

Audiovisuell ist Control jedoch, bis auf seine starren Gesichtsanimationen wunderschön. Die unfassbar geile Art Direction und Sounddesign holen hier wirklich richtig was raus. Wenn Alan Wake II auf einem ähnlichen Level abliefert... dann wow.