I think the game is good multiplayer but it lack content and blizzard sucks. I'm not going to put any stars because I'm biased towards team fortress. Definitely try the game if your looking for a fun free to play, just don't let it become an issue in your life.

I don't really like the game but It got a lot of people into sonic and it has some fun moments and I really love the finale. I'd probably have more fun if I gave it another chance.

Love this game for the story, music, and visuals and great gameplay in day stages, buuuuuut the night stages, while still fun in my opinion, can be pretty tedious and the framerate and stupid medals definitely bring what would be, for me, a five star game down.

Actually sort of liked the sonic part the jank was kind of charming and the story was ok. The level design was surprisingly good though and I love the music and visuals. I started the shadow campaign and I haven't played the game since.

Really good game would recommend if you love platformers, it has aged very well, but it might just be because this is the remaster. I never played the original.

I love this game. The gameplay is so engaging because you are in control of how fast the nights go and instead of using your visuals to pay attention to animatronics you use it of the computer which is really fun. It's actually so scary. Then you get to the day parts and have to manage the restaurant. I love this game. It might not be the best FNAF game but it is one of my favorite games.

I liked it maybe not amazing but fun for what it's worth.

Good game but some levels are a bit repetitive but most combat is good. The multiplayer adds a lot of replayability and the story is pretty good even if it's a little simple in this game. The cutscenes are epic.

The game is old. It is a game. Its really fun you should play it if you car eabout videogames.

Good game. Will finish the p ranks when i feel like pizza.