weirdly overhated jrpgs

I've seen all of these get hate from either a vocal minority or majority their respective series' fanbases. And tbh none of them really deserve it? Ranked personally by how much I like them (spoiler: I like all of these games, and most of them I actually like a LOT). Notes will include how widely hated I've observed them to be. Obvious personal bias, some hated games are not on here bc I feel the hate is justified lol

"I thought people loved that game!?"

They do! And rightfully so, but I've definitely seen a fair share of disdain towards it, particularly towards its alignment reps. white ending is secretly one of the most interesting endings in a video game bc of how much interpretations of it vary. tokyo feels like a lived in place and claiming that it just steals ideas from smt1 and 2 is a null point bc lord forbid a game in the same franchise reuses and combines ideas from earlier games and puts its own spin on things.
Only hate it gets are seemingly from diehard gen 1 fans and from people who are allergic to..checks notes trainer teams being 10 levels lower than your team for...checks notes again wow a whole HOUR of a 20 hour game??? the horror! and you mean to tell me levels shoot up to somewhere more respectable as soon as you reach blackthorne city???? gasp!
carries the stigma of being the game that started the "waifu emblem" trend or having "the worst maps in the series" and "bad writing" but i think it's ultimately fine. lucina definitely hard carries and i think the narrative has good ideas and themes but they're just poorly paced
cheating because I haven't played it yet. though it's a game in a franchise I love that is looked down upon for being very different (this isn't a modern departure so it's probably still a really good game actually)
yeah it's slow and the dex sucks but it's ultimately inoffensive i'd rather play it over gen 1, swsh or bdsp
idk it's fine. zephiel is a cool antagonist. remake that fleshes out its characters could go a really long way
applies to dsfe as a whole but definitely mostly towards shadow dragon, overwhelmingly so.
it's...fine. kind of a nothingburger game but genuinely it is so, so, so, SO much more bareable than the two games that came before it. phantasy star 4 still wipes the floor with it though
still less of a slog to play than 3h


2 months ago

dq6 and smt if goat

2 months ago

DQ7 is a good candidate imo,it's lengthy yeah,but it's very suitable to play in short bursts

2 months ago

get smt iv outta here

2 months ago

Get smtif... outta here

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