classic indie platformer. bangin' soundtrack and just some really interesting uses of the gravity mechanic. i want to study it

it's like if heroin was F A S T. story is genuinely solid despite the somewhat cringy dialogue. gameplay is addictive.

neat game for what it is! items are interesting and good vibes. it feels like it's hiding something from me

gotta love 2 minute synthpop vocal track looped over 3 hour 7 phase boss battle

it's rare to come across a piece of media nowadays that so openly screams of hope. everything about this game made me want to keep living. some of the platforming is janky but the story and characters are so rich that it was well worth it.


i could tear into this game in so many ways. the dream world segments don't do much, and generally bog down the plot. the combat is just okay for a turn-based game. etc. none of it matters. i think this game tells one of the best stories in gaming. the last couple hours were breathtaking

your honor they're in lesbians

better than it has any right to be

would be in my top 5 if the story was actually finished. masterpiece in all respects

hysterical game. vaguely janky platforming but i love the vibes

solid gameplay, with laughably cheesy writing. maybe not a masterpiece but there was never a point where it wasn't fun. had to install some mods because pc port but it wasn't a huge deal