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this game was a treasure. i ended up buying it on a whim, out of curiosity, and it didn't disappoint.

gameplay was alright: i loved discovering all the creatures and how to catch them. some of the quests got a little repetitive, but interacting with the world never felt like a chore. i spent a while trying to finish all the mail quests but i realized i really didn't want or need to, though i enjoy the interactions some of them provoke. beffica's especially were fun.

the writing is absolutely insane. even the characters i didn't like that much ended up growing on me. the idea of all these people having to realize they can't have an easy solution to their problems was so interesting to watch, all the way through. even before i knew of their nature i got worried when my friends began to turn into bugsnax after i fed them. i was told the ending was something else but i was still unprepared for it. what the fuck.

of course i have to mention the designs being incredible. all the little guys!! they're so cute. goodness gracious. i should also mention the voice acting: it's shockingly good! like really good! this game is definitely worth checking out.

this game was FUCKED. what the hell. i love the imagery but it makes me feel disgusting. good game :)

i like this one! trippy adventure with some memorable characters and moments. surgery minigame was brilliant. i love the way nour is animated and doubly the doodle studio artstyle for a lot of the characters is really charming (i really like the flower girl). also it was funny recognizing all the mario assets. reminds me of thecatamites' work which is high praise in my book

don't get me wrong: i understand why everyone praises the atmosphere of this game, but i want to point out the gameplay as well being really unique! every puzzle had a different feel to it, something new. it keeps you on your toes right until the end.

that said, i didn't go into this expecting a story-heavy experience, but it delivered on that front wonderfully. the off-beat, almost space funeral-esque dialogue juxtaposes well with the moments of real thought-provoking conversation. it paints a picture of the future that isn't devoid of hope, just one that has a huge amount of systemic work to be done. despite everything, their failing bodies being replaced with metal parts, the nagging sense that there's more for them in the world, they still have their dreams to hold onto. and walking around, feeding them, you can feel it affecting the world. i was surprised to find people appreciating the cooking work being done: the player character is shown to have considerable skill with a pan. i guess it's all they can really do. but it's nice to see it appreciated.

really cool time! i spent way longer on it than i should have (i am bad at video games) but it would have been a good value either way.

i love this game to death and was somewhat active in the community -- very friendly atmosphere all around. it's been dormant for a while but an announcement from the devs in coming days could work to change that? either way if you have a few friends please check it out now that it's free (although i did pay for it at launch lol. i'd do it again)


what a beautiful game.

it starts out slow -- the action limit seems like a bigger deal than it is, and once you start leveling up it quickly becomes a non-issue. what follows is that you start to unfold this huge, colorful world filled with characters of all shapes and sizes, and a story that lets you take it at your own pace.

the time management aspect feels fairly natural and while there are times where you're stuck waiting (the end of the game i was skipping through weeks just to finish the last sidequest) it starts to feel less and less exhausting as you take in more of the world around you. part of me wishes some of the ui was better, particularly in shops: you can only buy one of an item at a time, meaning if you want a stack of them you have to mash the A button for a good while. but you start to realize it's not about hoarding, about grinding the fishing to get money (you can actually make it through the game without ever donating to hager, which i wish i had looked into sooner). i mean, sure, i could buy a hundred octolips and never have to walk anywhere again. but i'd miss the sounds of the birds, the ambient background tunes. the wind in the valley. flora's song in the town. the crickets.

is it hard? yes. will you need a guide? most likely. will it make you feel like a genius for completing a puzzle by yourself? absolutely.

so go and save those animals! talk to plants! build a rocket! survey robots! buy some records! (buy all the records. make a little playlist of your favorites and share it with me.) get wasted on an island full of musical monkeys! talk to little mushroom creatures in a foreign language! have a drink with wanda. catch some fish. smell the roses.

collect all the love you can. wring out every little drop, every ounce of it. and when you do, when you've loved as hard as you can, shut the game off. but never stop loving.

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as much as this game has its flaws, i do really appreciate everything it goes for. i absolutely love the crayon-esque art style and i wish more games would go for that these days. the heart-star mechanic is fun too, putting a little emotional weight into a fairly standard collectible. i like helping little guys!! (and also samus aran. i guess) dark matter and zero are two of my favourite characters in the franchise, and i love the tonal shift that comes with their inclusion (one of the only kirby characters that's allowed to bleed). the animal friends are a lovely addition too, and i had a blast trying out all the different copy abilities with each of them (kine my beloved<3).

on the other hand, some of the level design can get repetitive at times, especially when it comes to the theming. they could have done more to make each feel unique: i remember them more for the sidequests than anything. alas, i didn't come to a kirby game expecting a super deep experience. the last thing i'll say is that the movement can be a little awkward at times. nothing major, but i find it difficult sometimes to drop through platforms and such.

overall though i loved this game from start to finish. such is the beginning of a new kirby hyperfixation (it's over for me).

i kind of love this game's design. the sprinkler, functioning as the main obstacle, with the ghost, functioning as a way to keep the player moving, create a really engaging game to pick up and play. the quiet, ps1-ish graphics and sounds add a lot to the vibe too. i like to pull it out during deep conversations over discord calls. a perfect small game


this game is very good at throwing philosophical conundrums at the player. there's definitely a lot of good discussion to be had about the morality of the player's choices. the aesthetics are insane -- it feels like all this tech shouldn't work so well underwater, but it creates a vibe that's totally unique. puzzles were never too difficult and i usually could figure out where to go by just bashing my head against every door. that ending... damn... what a ride!! this was a treat to get to play and i was enthralled by every second

servers are kinda fucky but still a fun experience. it's like if lethal company forced more monster interactions. good time

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it's a jam game for sure. was hoping for a little more horror but the few scares they threw in didn't amount to much. the charming art and okay audio can't save the "walk around and interact with things" nature of it. which isn't inherently a bad nature to have when something interesting happens when you do so! anyway don't listen to me it took me 5 minutes to realize the mirror maze was a mirror maze lol

objectively, a less than stellar game. but it feels like home to me. i would not have gotten this far in life if not for this game. something about the spacey, cobbled-together soundtrack and the eyestrain-inducing glow of the world works to pull me in like not many other games can. also the 'mystery' command in battle is a work of pure genius and more games need to take advantage of it

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really solid short horror game! it plays a little obtuse but the art and sound design are brilliant. the sickle tapping on the window gives me chills

pretty solid time! very stylish with an interesting plot that borders on being incomprehensible