worth it but don't expect too much

Man the DLC, can you get any better

Solid DLC but not as good as the ringed city

This game is amazing but there really isn't as much freedom as you'd think, especially after playing a game like metal gear 5

Can we have a moment of silence for all those controllers that have tragically left us

really makes you feel like a jedi, ign hire me now

this counts as a half star rating for fifa 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22 is there any difference between them tho

very accurate road crossing sim, especially

very satirical take on society truly masterful writing the ending had me in tears

I really hope that I am not the only one that presses f to get on the horse and ends up strangling an innocent bystander

after 8 playthroughs I can confirm this game is very replayable