God, the characters gave this game a lot of wasted potential for a really well paced story...

not into visual novels in general... all i can say is that i felt like shit, like i didn't already know i would never be able to talk to psychotics (yeah i do sometimes need to feel like shit)

got many steampianist music video's vibes, which is a big big plus for me

Best MK game to date, but the lack of mission mode makes this really painful to say

Short? Sure.
Did it need to be long? Absolutely not.


Better than I expected! The UI is pretty ugly and the game started to feel repetitive after less than 10 battles, which is basically how I feel about games like this, but I think a match every now and then is pretty enjoyable

You can play Tetris while listening to Splatoon music without using Youtube, I mean come on

The feeling when you keep losing because you're a beginner (to put it mildly) but never get frustrated and still want to play over and over again

Now that ending is how you set up the hype for Chapter 2

Hey not to be trite and all but this is literally if the last 20 minutes of 2001: A Space Odyssey were a videogame

Played a bit of this with my little cousin when I visited him and it was a fantastic experience. Gonna finish this, one day, the way Sakurai san intended to

Gotta study the english vocabulary

One of the most intricate roguelikes ever
One of the most challenging roguelikes ever
One of the most unforgiving roguelikes ever
One of the most addicting roguelikes ever
One of the most roguelike roguelikes ever

There are so many Eyes Wide Shut references that it's almost a shame to play this game without seeing the movie