I'm generally not a fan of roguelikes, but this was a fun co-op experience and has interesting mechanics. Definitely a co-op game though, I don't think I'd enjoy playing solo. If you even can?

Great game, the mechanics make it feel really good to get through levels as you nail cool jumps and make fast maneuvers through tight spots. It'd be a 5/5 if not for the boss fights being kind of annoying, and 4 health feels like it was a decision made around the platforming, not enough for bosses. Especially the final boss.

This is such a cool, unique entry in the series. I felt the same way when I first played it, and I'm glad we finally have it on Nintendo Switch Online to be able to experience it again.

The game has fun but mostly simple puzzles. I was only stumped by a few. Mostly the challenge sometimes came from running out of lives (ugh) or the time limit, but with the punishment being starting over, these really just serve to waste your time rather than actually be a challenging factor.

Love the cutscene animations and presentation of this game. I love the jumps and tricks you could use to get around. There's a lot of room to optimize how you solve puzzles, but I'm not into that kind of thing.

Decent game, I had a fun time picking it up here and there, but I won't be bothering with the postgame.

Replayed this with mods to properly use the 3DS circle pad. It makes it actually playable, but overall I still feel like the original is the better overall package. It's cool to have more characters, but they feel more like a hassle that the game itself had to work around than anything that really adds to the game. And I'm not sure how we ever played this with a run button or touch controls because it's rough.

Also no BLJ, can't believe this.

This time I did a randomizer run, always interesting how that freshens things up. It's been awhile since my playthrough of this remake though, definitely itself could use some newer QOL stuff. Had fun though!

Always a masterpiece.

I'll keep playing this from time to time but, wow, this is my favourite game in the series still even on replay. After I was introduced to the series with Touched on DS, WarioWare Gold is still everything I think of when I think of WarioWare. Very fun to pick up and play. And the full voice acting, even for Wario, is a nice treat!

As someone who's somewhat resistant to roguelikes, this one really surprised me. An enjoyment of card games and a rewarding gameplay loop had me really enjoying this.

I played this with mods to enable quick Kong swapping (and randomized, DK64-ized music from other games). The music was a fun twist, but the Kong swap shortcut changes this game immensely. It doesn't fix all of the issues, far from it, but it makes the game a LOT more pleasant to traverse.

I had a fun time blasting through this game this way, and it was nice to revisit it without it being nearly the slog it would be otherwise. I highly recommend that mod for anyone else who wants to play this game.

This is a nice port, and I chose to beat it by using BLJ to skip to the final boss after getting 31 stars. First time doing that!

This is a much better way to play than the DS port also.

For a simple little thing, there's a lot of potential entertainment value here, even if not for especially long. From making amusing sound effects to the hilarity of doing your own poses, there's a lot of nonsense to be achieved here. Beyond that, there's not much game, but what a fun little idea.


While the game is overall a bit repetitive, the later quarter of the game really steps up the level design. But where this game really excels is feeling good to play, coming close to on par with probably some of the best 3D Sonic controls. Also, the final level actually rules.

I'd love to see Hardlight continue the momentum they got going with this release, ideally with less repetition to progress, and some more fully realized areas to play through. But for what this is, I'm sufficiently pleased.