Was a day-one PSN Plus title. I have no regrets playing it. It was a simplistic perspective game. Puzzles were fair and not much thought provoking. You can complete it pretty much in 3 to 4 hours and that'd be effortless. If you want to chill, it's a way to go. Story was also decent too.

What could it have been... Cannot imagine.
Without the DLCs it's like it's amputated. And with them (and additional bunch of non-game stuff) it's still hanged up. Projects got canceled and FF15 never got to reach its final form.
Eh, if you don't going to spam on the fucking turtle it's still a fun game. Open world killed it quite a lot unfortunately. I had an urge to rush the game when I was closing up to the final. For the sake of Ignis and the cool soundtrack, it has a place in my heart.

I barely remember the discussion revolved around this game. Was it going to be a paid game then went to F2P and some shit? Don't exactly remember but either way it died fast. Sony's pretty much the first MP attempt on PS5 died down and that probably was not planned. They never got to revive the game but I got to plat it before its death. My rarest plat is this random game. Hell yeah I guess.

It was actually fun with the boosting lobbies. But can't judge people that they didn't give a chance. It didn't feel like a big deal when it first revealed.

Peak Watch Dogs. Leave it there and don't return to this series (both goes to any player and Ubi). Cringe DEDSEC members are ignored.

San Fransisco was also the best choice for a game like this. Chicago's skyscrapers didn't help any shit while San Fransisco's rooftops were more accessible and they, for once, made exploration and puzzle solving cool again that didn't feel like a chore.

This is how you butcher an universally acclaimed survival horror turning it into a mindless action shooter.

I love Hatsune Miku and all but this rhytm game is not my taste. I consider myself lucky to not break my controller into two halves.

Demon's Souls most likely will stay as the weakest link of FS' souls-like series for me. It's more than an beginner idea, for sure. World Tendency is a great asset and that's something I want them to revisit but as for per bosses or levels itself, they don't excite me much. That being said, I came to this game before Elden Ring and after all Soulsborne plus Sekiro. Never played the OG DeS hearing it didn't run well on PS3. Won't be able to contrast & compare 1:1 but I have no doubts Bluepoint tried to stay true to the game's core as much as they could. A valiant effort in the age of remakes.

As of late November 2023 this still stays as the only The Dark Pictures Anthology entry I have completed. Its setting was intriguing. Had some cool twists and having watched the rest TDPA games, this still seems best to me. But struggled a lot to finish & plat it. It's tolerable at best.

Release IJ3 dammit. It's NetherRealm's magnum opus but of course it's easier to milk MK.