If only the skill tree and gadgets were an improved version of the first, it would have been the perfect superhero game for me. Unfortunately, it is not. I dislike how the gadgets are now being played out; they feel enormously limiting. I also don't appreciate how little the gameplay differs between Miles and Parker at times. Much of this stems from the removal of unique suit features. The story is fair, though it doesn't develop as much, as the characters are often portrayed as saints despite Insomniac trying hard to push the narrative that they, at times, do not treat each other justly and indulgently, therefore having inner conflict. Yet, it's hard to buy into it. It's a simple comic-inspired story, fair on its own but not game-changing. The portrayal of Kraven was the best part of the game for me, for sure.

Some say it is relaxing on the contrary I say it's hellish. Unpacking is a great game to see the flow and the change within one's life throughout the years. It's a brilliant way to tell such a story however, I find its puzzles often counterintuitive and overwhelming. The indescribable amount of items the protagonist contained reminded me of myself which led me to an inevitable annoyance. Kek.

A new rally entry from Codemasters. It's been a while since I played any official WRC game putting aside the fact I barely play rallies at all. It welcomes new players fairly while having a quite an obtainalbe platinum. I do think the time spent on this game was justified though often I felt overwhelmed by the handling probably due to the fact my foreigness to car customization and rally tracks. The career mode had some micromanagement systems such as team management (hiring staff, managing happiness of benefactors etc.) and that was indeed shallow and unnecessary for me.

From Soft's open love letter to mecha genre. It steps up the game, steams the engines and introduces the whole genre to a whole new batch of players while also reinventing and rebranding rather an underdog rusty franchise.

I have only one ongoing motto for Starfield: The queen of superficial. It's self explanatory and tells enough.
Still, I must add it's saddening to see that Bethesda fails to reinvent themselves. Bethasdajanks keep being Bethesdajanks , who are we to judge huh?

The newly introduced 'Agent' mechanics against the 'Yakuza' playstyle introduce a nuanced contrast and contribute well to the gameplay loop. It adds some lovable new characters to the cast, although it shouldn't go without saying that I personally did not find the story very captivating. As a spin-off, though, it progresses Kiryu/Joryu's character and ties it up to Infinite Wealth neatly. On the top of that as a cherry we actually get more emotional side of Joryu. The world design is more of the same, which is not something I am a big fan of. Side life sim activities are fun as usual. It's the only 'LAD' game I've been able to convince myself to beat so far.

ps: Ai's cabaret has a happy ending.

A bit wacky but still a salvagable game. Deep Silver Dambuster, after their unfortunate outcoming on Homefront: Revolution, takes on a serious effort to conduct a playable experience. While riddled with many weird design choices it overall plays well and polished better than I anticipated. Its goofy characters are also somewhat better than the first game's cast imo. Regardless, the script is just unbearable, intended or not that I do not know. For a game that is stuck in a development hell for years it is well worthy to give a shot on.

One of the absolute timeless classics. All around. Period. Not contributed and perhaps invented the metroidvania genre all by itself but also contributed a lot to overall gaming industry which is still could be easily examplified. It is an experience that would seek every now and then.

An essential entry to the souls-like genre that is not devloped by From Software itself yet somehow encompasses 'that' vision very well which is also accompanied by lots of passion. Its artistic design is easily one of my favourites in 2023.