This was my second time playing this game, didn’t bother with watching the cutscenes cause I had recently beaten it and this run was for the hard playthrough trophy. I really enjoyed this game both narratively and gameplay wise. The characters were memorable and I loved their stories, Cid being one of my favorites but obviously Clive as well. Before this game came out it wasn’t on my radar at all but, I had picked up the deluxe on release day cause Final Fantasy and I needed to distract myself from some real life things. Me playing a game on day of release at the time was such a rarity and I’m glad I did with this one. The combat was super fun and unique with the Eikon switching. The only thing that dragged for me with this game was some of those Eikon fights lasted way too long. Other than that, give this game a play. I know I probably will at some point. Tearful ending for me as always with this franchise.

At the time of writing this I’m about 36 hours into this game with only three trophies left and I’ve had nothing but good experiences with this game. There’s nothing like going to a different planet and blowing up a whole ecosystem of animals with rockets and missiles with your friends. An absolute sleeper game for this year, I would see it time and time again on YouTube and would look it over every time until a day or two after release. Picked it up and played with some friends and every time has been a blast, tons of funny moments and memories being made every time I launch the game. Although off to a rocky start with server issues, this is a real game of the year contender and I can’t wait to see what comes with it in the future.

Assassins Creed Valhalla for the most part was an enjoyable experience. The characters were interesting, the story overall good, and the core gameplay mechanics felt just like Odyssey which I absolutely loved. I think where this game started to lose a small amount of luster with me was when I realized how long all of those things take. There’s tons of collectibles and story bloat, which based on the type of gamer and length of experience you enjoy, that could be a great thing. It has your samey elements every open world game has, towers, enemy camps and the like. I really enjoy those things just in a slightly smaller package than what’s offered here. That being said, I still thoroughly enjoyed my time here and the landscapes from Norway to Vinland were all beautiful. Some of the side quests were also absolute tear jerkers and I took a large amount of satisfaction with them not being “kill this” or “do that” every time. Time and time again these quests would have deeper meanings like the blind man and deaf man or the child who built statues with their sibling or the man giving the ring to his daughter. There’s a lot of good main and side story here, and while I don’t suggest everyone go out and 100% this game, you should at least try out the story.

I never played the original but, I did play the second one so I knew what to expect. Thoroughly enjoyed my time for this game and its a must play if you’re a fan of the general real life mafia lore. My time with this reminded me of movies like “Casino” and “Good Fellas” and the story concluded in a way that I’m happy with. I had a gripe or two here and there like no true open world during the story but, this is a remaster of a game that came out on the PS2 in 2002. If you look at it from that angle its a lot easier to forgive. Also, some people hate the driving, good luck is all I’ll say. From what I’ve seen online you either can’t get used to it or you do. There is no in between.


This game is one of those frustrating but, rewarding titles. Starting off I was not awful but, decent. Got my ass kicked quite a few times and just kept running in. I saved scummed a few of the encounters just to get the patterns down and by the end of the journey I could run through with pretty good amount of ease on most stages. (Some of those Sean Disciples still kick my ass especially if there's more than one.) I really enjoyed my time with this though and it didn't overstay its welcome which is always a plus. The story was alright nothing amazing but, In my opinion, you aren't playing a game like this for the story. I will say that this game didn't launch with it but, do yourself a favor and just play on at least the medium difficulty. It's not a very long game and there's not a ton of enemies either, If I can complete this you can too.

I bought this game off art style alone. Had not watched any kind of trailer or anything and if you’re going to try it that might be the best thing to do? This game definitely won’t be for everyone as it lacks quite a bit in the mechanic and gameplay department. While I don’t hate it, most of the game boils down to fetch quests and this just isn’t necessarily my idea of fun. That said, the characters are charming, I do really love the art style, and it’s not at all the worst game I’ve ever played. Probably the most tedious thing for me was the lack of a map in the game and just how vague the overall objectives were. I felt bad at first but, after reading the other reviews of people doing the same, if you play this you’re better off using a guide. I explored for the first hour or two and then when the art novelty wore off, headed to google for progression help. You’re not missing out on a huge experience if you skip this game but, if you need to fill a day or two between your next big release, give it a go for a relatively easy platinum if that’s your thing.

This title was a tricky one for me. I heard nothing but great things any time anyone talked about this game. Nothing was ever spoiled for me and generally everyone was tight lipped on the story and what to expect. The majority of the game was really good but, towards the end of my platinum journey the adventure log just began to feel like a little bit of a chore and the story was lost on me. I think some of the more challenging fun I had was landing on the sun station with my ship, didn’t take me too many attempts but, it definitely wasn’t a one and done. Wish the game had a few more things like that. I experienced the true ending and even saw the little “lost camera” Easter egg, afterwards I checked YouTube for the other endings. The scare at the end in the forest was so so unwarranted by the way haha, it got me good. I think most narrative enjoying gamers would like this game, it just got a little confusing for me.

Wow this game is a mess. Safe to say it was rushed cause man oh man the performance issues are second to none comparing it to any other Pokemon game I've ever played. And yet this game gave me some of the most fun I've had with the franchise since gen three. Every thing just feels fresh with this title and the ability to play with friends was a huge thing to experience even if now you can't do much except play in a friends world. I hope this feature and many of the other newer ones are built upon in later games and they take their time crafting an articulate title next generation. One with little to no performance issues, its ok Gamefreak I'll wait, take your time.

Absolutely beautiful game. For an animation studios first game, they absolutely crushed it. My only critique however to echo some other reviews would be the combat. It wasn't inherently bad just less than ideal some times and a little too clunky. The visuals, story, and rot themselves let me gloss over this though and I had a thoroughly enjoyable time playing this game. I also highly recommend taking advantage of the photo mode, can capture some really good shots with the landscapes and little dudes by your side.

Playing as Yuffie was a fun time. Only 2 chapters but, what was there was long and enjoyable. Glad to see some of the original cast show up in this DLC and I hope there is something connecting them all in the FF7R part 2 game. Also the Clash Royale game mode in chapter 1 is kind of fun. Can be equally frustrating though so you've been warned!

No shame I played this game on easy. I wasn't too fond of souls like games in the past and this one got on my nerves fast. I appreciated the story the game was telling and even on the easiest difficulty the game was still fun with the different force mechanics and combat.

Spyro the Dragon

Spyro is always fun, love reliving my OG PlayStation days. Nice, short, story & plat to wrap up. Simple platforming and a few puzzles here and there.

Spyro 2 Riptos Rage


Spyro 3 Year of the Dragon

This was the second game I ended up playing on my newly acquired PS4 back in 2019. And just like the Spiderman release, this sent me to the metaphorical station to purchase one ticket for the nostalgia gravy train.

I had been a primary PC gamer since my late middle school days. After the game came out, I watched reviews and was absolutely mesmerized by what I was seeing. The web slinging, the combat, the graphics, all things I had experienced playing the PS2 games way back when, just amplied ten fold. I borrowed my brothers PS4 to play this game and shortly thereafter bought my own console that came bundled with this game. Just history from there on out.

I don't consider myself a huge LoTR fan but, the story in the game was alright. Admittedly I had more fun running around in the post-story finding all the collectibles and side missions. Only a handful of annoying trophies.

Man this game is so charming I love it. I knew about the series but, after playing this one it completely put me on. I own quite a few of the other games since playing this one and I'm a huge fan. The movie, and this might be a hot take, wasn't all that bad in my opinion. seemed to be a run of the mill kids pixar type film and I thought it sufficed for the story it was trying to tell.