One really doesn't understand how beloved and iconic a game really is until you experience it for yourself, I now truly see why DOOM is one of the most iconic games period. From its fast and addicting gameplay, to its (mostly) great level design. No wonder this was such a boom back then, I could definitely see myself replaying this for years to come.

More DOOM, More good. I like doom 1's levels much more but the new enemies and addition of the super shotgun really boost this game to be a bit above doom 1. I really liked all the new additions to the demon roster, yes including the archvile. Level design is really fuckin weird, falling off in the later half (fuck you The Chasm and barrels o' fun) and I really think the Icon of Sin could have been so much more. Still though, solid game all around and I will indulge in community maps in the near future, which are likely no doubt better than the base game maps.

While I like the arsenal and most levels more than duke's. The annoying ass enemies in this game bring it down for me in many ways. annoying ass hit scanners galore, the translucent fucker, the suicide asshats that sometimes spawn that annoying ghost dude. Just a lot of annoyances throughout the game that could have been better if the enemies were better imo. If there is another praise I will give this game is the level progression is excellent. I still recommend to at least give it a try for the sick as fuck arsenal.