I really didn't like this one either, sure it plays better than Circle of the Moon but boy it managed to somehow be more boring. Two castles thing is meat in concept, unfortunately it's just terrible, why would I ever want to go through the exact same castle layout twice. It completely killed my sense of exploration for the game and I just wanted to finish it up. That's another thing, I didn't bother to get the true ending because I genuinely don't enjoy exploring this castle and I'm not gonna go look for Dracula's nutsack along with his other body parts. It also managed to make bosses go from hard and boring in CotM, to just boring and braindead easy. Ice Bible is great. Ost is hard on the ears and genuinely unpleasant most of the time. I wish to never think of this game again, except when I watch Maxim tas https://youtu.be/brSsTm_yz0U

This game was exactly what I was expecting, a hilariously edgy, wack ass story directing, absurd dialogue, grungy game from 2006 with gameplay from 2018. Which is to say I loved this game, I enjoyed every boss in this game and they were all so fun to fight. The job system is some of the best I've ever used in anything, combat is very smooth and fast-paced which keeps you on your toes. So much broken build potential that just makes me all giddy inside. And the grand finale was awesome I'm gonna play ff1 soon. However there are some things that I wish the game did better. For one the lighting on the environments, no idea why tf it's so dark. And I wish the environments had more to them other than "hey look it's X place from X game." The loot system is wiggity wack and gets annoying to get the stuff you want after a while. But overall this was a very enjoyable experience even if the dialogue is unintentionally memetastic. 8/10, we need more Frank Sinatra in games bro.

Gave this a fair shot till I couldn't anymore after 45 hours in. God I wanted to like this game but there's just so much that I just didn't like at all. For one the calendar system makes the game feel like an unnecessary drag considering it goes day by day and takes a while for it to get to the next plot point which leads to the plot itself. It feels like it goes nowhere for over half the game and takes forever to get anything interesting to happen. It wouldn't be such a problem if there was more things to do but there just isn't, it's either Tartarus (which itself is the worst dungeon of any video game that I ever had the displeasure of going to), raising your social stats which is a boring waste of time, or social links, good God social links. I don't hate the social link concept I think it's a good way to give life and build upon non-plot relevant characters, but the way Persona 3 does it kills any interest I have in doing them. Of the ones I did it was all just dialogue which is fine, but I would prefer if it lead to an extra dungeon or extra bosses (that aren't reskins) but nope, no other interesting bonuses other than exp for fusing. I also wasn't a huge fan of the "one more" system p3 introduces, it just feels like press turn but without any of the meat that makes press turn good, it isn't a bad system by any means it's just not that good in my opinion. And finally, the bosses/enemies. My God why oh WHY did they think it was a good idea to use reskins upon reskins upon reskins of enemies. I don't wanna see blob maya variant #27 I want to see something cool, and that cool is the full moon bosses which are all pushovers. Why couldn't they have the same difficulty as the tartarus bosses they have such interesting designs. I don't feel like getting into characters because I feel like I've said enough. I don't have much problem with the main cast I just find most of them uninteresting (looking at you fuuka). All these issues I had accumulated into killing any interest I had finishing this game, or ever bothering with persona 4 or 5. This ain't for me and I hope to never play it or think of it again until I inevitably get p4au once rollback drops.

Finally finished. Very fun game, sick as fuck animations, great mech selection. Story was pretty cool even if I didn't know who tf 80% of the characters were and the new original characters were neat. 7.5/10

A fun adventure with a cool setting. Everything moved quite fast and went straight to the point which is both it's strength and flaw in that I wish it was just a bit longer and there was a little more interactions between characters. That being said I still enjoyed my time playing it, I loved the macros in this game, why have I not seen more games implement such a great feature I've no idea. Cutscenes were incredible all told in a comic-style way hitting all the points while having very little "character sprites awkwardly stand and stare at each other." It was p tough too until the final boss who was a pushover ngl, I do wish there was break rooms in dungeons so that I could just not use save states whenever I took a break. 7.5/10, will definitely play some more Phantasy Star games.

Near every damn boss left my asshole wide open in how hard they were, especially the final boss good lord. Do not care for the story in the slightest ngl, enjoyed the difficulty and game in general though. Kain the mvp

Fun as hell game
But will never come close to being as good as Majin Tensei 2

Fun game, had much more fun than gen 3
Me like

WAY better than the first game by miles
Loved the branching paths, super open levels, movement, and general gameplay.
I do wish it was harder aka actually die
Final level the best and really creative

Insane how it became my second favorite castlevania that I've played thus far. I just really, REALLY wish mastering sub items wasn't so horrible to do.

Game was so fun imma replay it again after I beat another game. I now hate staircases tho

I love how charming and cute everything is. But God I wish he controlled smoother because it was quite annoying to jump in stages, especially the space and underwater stage, Lord.

Honestly? Eons better than the NES game. Nowhere near as frustrating, but Galamoth at the end was very annoying. Play it if you want a short fun platformer. 6.5/10

Shit was so good I beat it again
Imma go for a third soon