Damn, I didn't know I'd like this game THAT much. I'll be back some day, I need, NEED to finish all quests and DLCs.

Eh. The gameplay itself is fun as hell, more than it's supposed to be. The story is good but that ending is utter bullshit.

The presentation is atrocious but it is everything I expected when I heard "Burnout for DS". Takedowns are hard to do but once you get the hang of it they're easy as hell. I had a nice time overall.

83% will come back to finish what else can be achieved, since the 102% is no longer possible.

The only downside this game has is that it is too short.

OK Real talk, game has a lot of flaws, but the soundtrack is not one of them. So 1 star for that.

My first Final Fantasy game, I played it when I was like 4.

I hope I never get to play this game ever again.