The only good thing 343 has done are the remasters.


A bit dissapointing...was hoping for more.

Not as good as 2 but not bad at all.

Fun to kill a couple hours. Also best representation of comics Deadpool before Ryan Reynolds.

My personal favorite Call of Duty. Campaign, multiplayer and zombies firing on all cylinders. I still go back today and replay this.

The Callisto's Protocol of Bioshock

A solid open world FPS. 3 is better but this is far better than 5

The low point of the Halo series.

Every day I regret buying this ripoff of a game. And every day I regret buying the season pass even more.

I know this game isn't for everyone, and has its faults. But the reason I consider this game to be near perfect comes down to the story and relevant themes. Ironically, we are currently living in a reality which this game predicted: a world suffering, isolated and disconnected due to the selfish actions of a few in power. Ultimately, this game serves as an odd sort of template on how to reconnect with one another, and how things need to change moving forward. While Hideo Kojima couldn't have known about the virus, the reason this game feels relevant is because (regardless of the catalyst, whether a virus, war, etc) it explores relevant, real-world themes and serves as a warning (obsession with individuality, yearning for idols/heroes to save us, corporate greed, an era of digital connection/social media, etc.) While the story itself was a bit backended (if you finished the game you know how long the last few cutscenes are), it serves as a "reward" for all the hard work you put in throughout the game. To understand the gameplay itself, one ought to view it the same way one would view a journey: it may have its bumps and rough patches, and is never about the destination, but in retrospect is valuable and rewarding. If you have the patience to unravel the mysteries in this game, I highly recommend it. Also has the most realistic graphics/character models/environments I've seen in a video game ever. If GTA 5 is incentive to go see LA, and Persona 5 is to see Tokyo, this game shows off the beauty of Iceland (template for the world) in a way where it makes you want to book a ticket immediately.


Played the demo and that was all I needed. Play dishonored instead, it's not worth your time. Lame gameplay, poor optimization and long loading screens. Really not "next gen" (or even previous gen).