I really like the idea of this, the game show knockout style video game is a really fun idea. And this is very fun for a bit. I just hate how wobbly the physics is. I guess its part of the game but for me its just way too much

Finally played Shredders Revenge and its very likely in my top 5 games of this year. Exceeded all my expectations, amazing animation, care, design, gameplay. Loved this so much. Want to try out more characters. I pray they develop DLC. Do Simpsons next!!!

This blew my mind when it came out, I was never a big valve guy. I played some HalfLife games on dreamcast. But as I was a big japanese console gamer and not PC like some of my friends I never touched them really. However this is when I learnt just how creative some of these games were.

We did this whole game twice. First time everyone survived but we went to jail. Second time we got all the evidence to convict but everyone died lol. Enjoyed it though, had to think a little differently than the other SuperMassive games.

I still have a lot of time for this. I still have a lot of time for the music (same composer as Frontiers). I still think this should have been Shadows only game lol. As I said this is a game where it feels you control Sonic as a character, not as a car.

First open world game that I loved. First maybe I even liked. The format has never appealed to me. Never felt like there was anything worthwhile to do. Somehow the entire world here feels designed for fun and opportunity but still doesnt feel linear. I dont know, no idea how they did it. But they did.

Did the Octoexpansion! One of the coolest designed DLC packs ever. Really challenging and well put together. Loved the story and some of the new gimmicks. Must play.

This is absolute garbage. As a kid I was always like I want to try the first game! Street Fighter II is the true brand. This is unbalanced crap lol. I dont have to appreciate the history. Its not fun.

The sequel came with my PS5 so I wanted to do this first. I enjoyed it a lot! I found the story a bit bland but the world and mechanics and exploration was really top tier. Will try the DLC pack before I get into Forbidden West

Shadows of Rose. The new enemies are really cool. New boss fights are good. Puzzle gameplay shines. There’s one truly scary set piece that had me very tense while playing through it. Definitive good ending to the Winters saga.

This review was written before the game released

Hero shooters (or really any modern FPS games) just are not for me. I tried to like this as to play with friends but just nah. I do hope though that this slow move towards fast paced, health based shooters makes everyone realise what we yearn for... we yearn for Unreal. New Unreal Tournament. Please

The jump to PS3 with the direct continuation from 2 on the back of the titans was epic. Really enjoyed this one, loads of brutal and stunning sequences

this was an amazing time. What a killer game, had loads to it for both hardcore players and casuals to enjoy. So well designed. Again a period of time where the scene for playing this game was just off the hook. This brought back a whole genre

First time playing The Last of Us. Was one of those games that slipped me by because I wasnt playing games for those years and I never caught up. So the remake was worth it for a virgin like me. I cried at everytime it wants you to cry lol. Will try the DLC next.

Overall fucking amazing. Possibly the best game in series, but it feels like its from over 10 years ago. (for two reasons: how it looks and some performance issues. and how it feels like its from the era of great sequels to games on a psp you wish were on console) okay i understand they arent going to spend a lot of money on bayonetta games because no one buys them. but oh my god this is low budget. it feels so much cheaper than the first 2 :( The gameplay is 10/10 but it feels like im playing a lower budget PSP sequel to a Bayo game. Bayos levels and combat are all so good. Absolutely great, Viola too but I am still adapting to it and learning how to use her so I get that same flow (love her character btw, real standout.) But yes a lot of things feel cheap. Doesnt kill fun, but it’s noticeable. I really like the new mechanics and there is so much to play with here. But I do think some levels are going to be a slug to play again due to the long kaiju sequences that grind the game to a hault. It may sound like im being negative here but I love the game!