really lazy Hades knock-off should be a genre of games at this point

i have played nukige with better writing than this game

yet another magnificent skate game. i wish u could wear a maid dress ingame. i will probably never finish it because im stupid and too much of a perfectionist in games about getting points and i take too much time replaying the same levels

this game has some of the worst cutscenes i have ever seen in the medium. not even funny bad, just plain unwatchable. And the memory sequences are even worse. I wish they could just have opted for a visual novel style for the sort of plot that this game wants to have. The characters look cute i guess? but i dont think most of the outfits match the artstyle the game is trying to go for, and all the weapons look like poor cosplay props, all characters have the same animations and they all move around these gigantic swords like if they were made out of cardboard, the music is extremely forgettable but at least the HYDE songs are okay tho. i love L'arc en Ciel.

im unable to enjoy it as a survival game but as a multiplayer roleplay experience it can be quite amazing

i haven't finished this game yet, im having a lot of trouble trying to get done with it because im not finding at least half of the levels just not fun at all. Raz is still a very noble and amiable character and he is now more agile and snappy than ever but im just having a hard time getting throught the game and enduring the level design sometimes. I also feel like his family showing up and being there could have been of more importance but i feel that you just make a couple fetch quests for them and then thats all there is for them, it's kind of weird.

If the first game was like a gritty cartoon show, this one is like a feature film adaptation of said show. A big part of the narrative feels very personal and it succesfully carries the charm from the last game even tho its kind of annoying that there are cutscenes every two steps you walk that could be easily replaced with good old text boxes. The music is unfortunately forgettable except for a few levels. Im just hoping that the rest of the game can surprise me but i might take a while to get there.

edit: i managed to complete the few levels i had left. i dont feel like doing any of the post game stuff. ill write more about this game someday

very sad that they are forcing this kind of game to be some sort of live service game with also a battle pass. way too many microtransaction stuff and the aesthetics are a huge stepdown from the previous game. I also dislike that the notes kinda do not match at all in normal and easy difficulties, in the current ingame event you can only play songs in easy mode and its a huge borefest, damn, the notes dont even make any sfx when you tap them which is kind of misleading or unintuitive, at least to my taste. At least it features music from Mili. Maybe will update this as i progress thru the story,

My favorite out of all of them and i will probably be thinking about it for a very long time. It's a very sincere and heartbreaking love/coming of age story.

Its very hard to put into words but i feel very personally attached to this game and many elements seen in Childhood's End. Very specific bits and pieces that feel too real to me, past experiences, feelings, memories. I relate too much. This series is very much about leaving things to interpretation and these last two games did a number on my brain. Thanks etherane.

Also i dunno if the fact that theres no music on this one is intentional. I listened to melancholic game BGM while playing and also some songs from EP 1. It added a lot to the experience for me.

i really love the trailers for this game

body horror is kind of cute

i like that its a bit of an homage to sound novel aesthetics , i hope these games can inspire other developers to try their hand at making games with similar style.

i like this one more than the first one mainly due to the audiovisual changes, but about the writing, im not sure if the author is writing about their own experiences or just imagining an scenario about them having a conversation with this fictional character. i could imagine that a lot of ppl will perceive this game as some sort of weird girlfriend/caretaker experience if they cant relate to the conversation they are reading with the character in question. yes, conversation, the game is mostly a conversation youre having with this character with multiple endings depending on your choices. the only ending i could appreciate was the chatroom one. it reminded me a lot of a personal experience i hold dear to me and, it was cool to get to feel something like that again. i have no comments about the other endings. Also, i find the anime-styled cutscenes quite weird because for some reason they change too much the artsyle/character design and background art we see in game, it looked like a very barebones version of a certain anime people will want to compare this game to.

I encourage people to try this game and write their thoughts about the multiple endings if they can get anything out of them.

Sodaraptor's third game published on itchio and it's actually kinda fun. It's an endless top-down shooting game, once again with graphics inspired by the fifth generation of videogame graphics. The downloadable version has a few graphic improvements like better ambient occlusion, better defined shadows and even small reflections in some places.

You play as a wolf with dual wielding guns and your objective is to shoot the zombies that spawn in the map. The zombies can sometimes drop gems that help you unlock upgrades like higher fire rate, higher movement speed, health relpenishing, higher spawn count for the zombies, etc.

After pretty much 3 round you already have seen everything the game has to offer, the most fun you can have here is seeing how fast you can get to shoot with enough upgrades, but its still nothing remarkable.

This is sodaraptor's second game available on itchio, i will also write about their first game Infectoid which is not listed on this website's database.

Infectoid is a metroidvania game made for Metroidvania Jam 2019. You play as a sort of computer virus traversing the insides of a super computer and your goal is to destroy this computer's CPU.
There are 4 powerups, all which are briefly explored in the short duration of the game. The movement and combat is very sluggish, the main mechanic is to corrupt these small blob things for the purpose of healing or going throught very small spaces until you unlock a very janky grappling hook that will be used to go to the final boss room. And then you beat it. With a very annoying techno BGM at all times. Theres nothing remarkable about that one, i dont really reccomend playing it unless you really want to check the entire library of this developer.

Now for Descension, this one is not much more interesting. Its a fast paced, endless rogue-lite? first person shooter inspired by other fast paced fps games like Quake and Doom, where every level is generated randomly. At the start of every level you can choose one of three weapons and one of three power-ups which you will have for the rest of your playthrought. There are a total of 6 weapons i think? Maybe im missing one but half of them are very regular weapons like a pistol, a submachine gun or a shotgun, then there are more creative weapons like a submachine gun that makes every bullet ricochet, a shotgun that shoots other guns that you can pick up or some sort of confetti launcher. With your right click you can use a grappling hook which to me is the most fun thing about this game. Id rather just zoom throught the levels and ignore the enemies.
The problem is, after 3 levels, you pretty much have seen every single enemy and every single room that can be generated randomly. The rest of the fun would be getting all of the powerups and see how chaotic the room can get, or if you can survive if you eventually get the "power-up" that lets you be killed in one shot. Id reccomend checking out this one if you really like these sort of games but otherwise, not much to be seen here either. The music is appropiate for this sort of game but theres but the sounds arent as nice as the other games this one is trying to mimic.

The artist seems to be enamored with PSX/Early 3d videogame aesthetics, love that probably comes into fruition and hopefully better experiences in their later works which i am interested in exploring

Very awesome golfing game, and the first game of this franchise that i have played. Im nowhere near completion of the campaign thing mode but its my go-to game to play when i just want to pick up my vita and play something. The controls are very tight, the overall mechanics are easy to pick up but very challenging to master. Once you get the hang of it, it is very hard to put this game down. Graphics are very close to the PS3 version, id like it more if they were a little more vibrant tho. The music and overall sound design is very joyful, it really messes with your head in a good way the sounds it makes when you get a perfect shot or when you get a decent score in a map. I also really love the character designs and having emo/dark outfits on my characters lol... Only downside is that the english dub is very annoying on this one, and that apparently theres no way to play online due to the servers having been killed a while ago...

I really reccomend to give this game a try even if you dont care about golf or sport games and have a vita!

very therapeutic experience