13 reviews liked by rioceleste

thank u next (meaning not "cool game but I'm moving on from it like a normal person," but rather "where's the next game in the series, i need it RIGHT NOW" u feel?)

The best from the Rusty Lake series! Excellent puzzles + Brilliant lore = An amazing puzzle game experience.

Ranked: My All-Time Favourites . Rusty Lake

People say this is the best one in the series. People do not lie here. What you have here is a much tighter and cleaner mystery than previous games with a sheer emphasis on cultish horror and perception of reality. The theming and overall atmosphere is top notch, all topped off with the lead no longer being a 'Im an everyguy cool guy' mary-sue and instead showing someone whos more afraid, scarred and prone to mistakes.

Its still very short and quite easy to plow through thanks to the few rooms... and some of the 'scares' the series likes to use are starting to feel a little old hat at this point. Its still good none the less.

slightly better than 5 days. who the fuck names any type of friendly vehicle "The Mephistopheles" and isn't asking for a horror story to unfold? holy shit

This game made me appreciate British people

Yo why does that kid have a knife

A fun platformer with cute presentation and a surprisingly subversive subtext.

why is this game secretly about government conspiracy, capitalism, and rebelling against the system

Unfortunately, this game does not solve the long-running How To End An Adventure Game puzzle.

just me and the boyz out getting possessed