I thought I was doing so well.

And then WHAM.


when I was in high school I took out Eraserhead from my local library and brought it over to a friend's house to watch it and we had to stop halfway through because one of my friends started having an anxiety attack

then I went home and watched the rest of it by myself

Eraserhead rules

this is alright

"I don't think this game has grabs."

"...No, wait, it has Street Fighter 2 grabs."


I wish magicdweedoo was more well-known, his art is drenched in charm.


This mod is mechanically very sound, the game itself is much tougher than traditional Pokemon games, and some of the jokes in it were actually funny (there's an NPC in the first Pokemon Center that made me laugh harder than I've laughed at a video game in quite a while). It's clear that Squeetz and co. put a lot of time into the game, and the quality-of-life changes added are solid.

I'm having fun with it, but I can't in good conscience recommend playing this shit.

I spent a lot of time in high school and college browsing 4chan, time I wish I did something else with instead. I learned a lot about memes and internet culture, and I'm grateful for that at least. But the edgy "offensive" humor that's present in this mod mostly just makes me cringe more than anything. I'm a big fan of juvenile humor (see: the entirety of Beavis & Butthead) but I don't know about this one.

Credit where credit is due though, there's a Pokemon in this game that's just a Graveler that they slapped Golbat wings and a Kadabra mustache on and called it "Motherfuck"

You absolutely need to already have interest in Zoids before playing this for it to be any fun at all. I haven't seen anything Zoids-related in 15 years, and wanted to give this a shot simply from remembering Zoids being cool when it was on TV back in the day.

This game sucks.

If you're going through the GBA library, just skip this one. Or, I don't know, watch an episode of Zoids maybe.

The first three hours or so are incredible. Honestly some of the best I've ever played.

...and then I got stuck after getting the Speed Booster. :(

This is a simple idea that utilizes VHS aesthetics very well.

My cousin Joe used to have Donkey Kong '94, Pokémon Blue Version, and this game until it got stolen from my uncle's car when we were like 8 or 9 years old.

He grew up to be a fitness coach.

I grew up to be Wario.

Anyway, this game is weird.

The framerate is really bad, and the gameplay itself isn't interesting enough to warrant plowing through it anyway.

I tried to like this, but I just can't.

if you do not like this game I am going to kick your ass


I really like the little ooooOOOOOoooo sound that happens when you hit the ball

and nothing else