Switch version is really choppy, but overall a decent (albeit simple) game with a good message.

press the A button to do the funny Tom & Jerry scream

pressing the y button sure is satisfying

if humans descended from monkeys then why are there still monkeys?????? 😳😳😳

If I go to your birthday party and the only snack you have is Chex Mix I'm kicking you out of the party.

This is one of the most annoying games I have ever played and I will probably continue to play it for a very long time.

To quote the hit children's television program Teletubbies:

"Duck goes quack.

Quack, quack, quack!

Duck goes quack, quack, quack."

finally they made a video game based on a theme park

What could possibly be better than Super Mario Bros. 2?

You guessed it.

"Good" roguelites are usually crafted so that the first, second, or even third runs of a playthrough are hard enough for your average first-time player to lose on, but fun and engaging enough to want to try again and learn more from the game.

This one isn't really.

Fun and engaging, I mean.

This game would probably be a perfect Fire Emblem game if Kris just flat-out wasn't in it.

This is fundamentally the same game as Zombie Blast Crew.

But it's different because it's in space now.

I hate midi pizzicato violins more than most sounds.