Really fun game, sadly multiplayer is dead. But fighting against bots is stil fun

I love airships, and i love stratagy. So this game should be right in my street.
But no, the game ships moveweird, arent realistic and its just a terrible game experience. Its has nice graphics. But not to play.

O wow this game is good! The eastern bloc atmosphere, the small story that's woven trough the game. Bundled with the small sub mission to manage your small salary. The pixel art really does the game right.

TMNF is a really cool and relaxing racing game. Sit back, relax and start grinding for the top time. Tying to get the perfect line to get the fastest time. There also is a lot of custom content to extend the game with.

Fun game. but when playing alone it can get really repetitive and tedious.

Great little puzzle game that requires some thinking

This is a great game while it misses some more advanced features that the newer games have, It's still a great fun game

Fun little game but misses a soul.

Nice combination between shooting and planning. Can sink some good hours mastering an agent. But misses some fun for single players

Great relaxing game, just wish it has a bit more realism

One of my all-time favourites, it's like a dark aesthetic stardew valley. While the game is simple, it's still really in depth and that where it strength lies.

Don't really like it, cant really put the finger on it, why tho

The perfect mix between casual and hardcore gameplay, great graphics and aesthetic.

Great game, you can take it as casual or as in depth as you want, fun to play with friends or alone .

Great game, you can take it as casual or as in depth as you want, fun to play with friends or alone .