74 Reviews liked by rodrigoferzuli

i dont remember this one but its Mario party so its good

Why did we never get this gimmick again? My favorite mario kart

just a few bros racing, yknow the vibe

The little secrets and discoveries are what make it fun to play.

bring it back and make it an actually good fighting game

Zoo Tycoon with dinosaurs. Half of the fun is planning and building a secure and successful Jurassic Park with a variety of dinosaurs, the other half is releasing the carnivores and watching them hunt down your visitors.

Punches far above its weight in FPS gameplay, story, and multiplayer. Sad to say that isn’t the case for the dozen or so games that came after it.

childhood banger and its still active and it still holds up. if i played this more consistently this is the only mmo i would actually pay a subscription for

oof this was so good. fun and complex. Not too difficult for even a young preston could understand, but challenging enough.

I remember being obsessed with wanting to unlock all the monsters and not giving 2 shits about the gameplay

Dear devs,
You almost hurt my friendship, that’s fucked up.

This game deserves more love. I went in knowing very little, and got such an enjoyable deep sea journey out of it.

There's no speech, and barely any text. It's just you and a robot companion trying to upgrade yourselves to go ever deeper and find out what's going on. Are you the last human? Is there anything left below?

One thing's for sure, yer wee man has some of the nicest underwater animations I've ever seen. Cute as fuck.