A remarkably profound, consistently creative journey that never ceased to amaze me. Glenn Pierce, I love ya.


A mess of a mixture driven through creative mission design, stylistic visuals, and somewhat entertaining narrative. It certainly falters toward the end, can be a little tedious + challenging, and falls short of composing actually interesting characters, but is mostly steady enough to receive a high rating,

4th playthrough completed --- and wooh. Definitely the shortest and less considerate of my playthroughs (both because it was a fascist playthrough and mostly done to grind trophies).

Nearly collected all trophies. Nearly.


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I am conflicted. Very conflicted.

The script and writing was atrocious. Jill was such a forgettable and annoyingly bland character - she had zero development, zero depth, and had like 2 decent pieces of dialogue the entire game (the rest of it was just agonizing). And just as the game is coming to a conclusion, where all loose ends are meant to be tied off, the story suddenly decides to force the message of "greed is the bane of destruction" upon us in like two incredibly unsubtle sentences of dialogue that couldn't have felt more cheap...

But it was fun. It made for a very cinematic and engaging experience, and when combined with some decent concepts (and for reference, the label of "decent" was mostly accumulated by the concepts' potential to be even better), Resident Evil 3s flaws were diluted slightly. Still, I wish it had been better.

As good as ever.

Yes, this is my 3rd playthrough. Yes, I did two playthroughs back-to-back.

Fuck me.

This is my undisputed favourite game of all time.

Honestly, it's still amazing.

Visually astounding for its time powered by a fantastic script and such an amazing conclusion.

Yeah, I mean, it's still great.

Certainly falters when it comes to some aspects of the narrative, but remains consistently riveting and awing despite such. And although I am significantly less attached to Abby, her playthrough was still entertaining.
