5 reviews liked by rv2004_

I started and finished this game back in 2021 with my partner and had a blast. I then replayed it with my friend to go for the platinum trophy because I love this game. The story hear is top notch being about family is relatable for people and the character development is amazing you see them grow as people and get to know them.

This was my first experience with a Destroy All Humans game and it was a good one. I played this with my friend who is an experienced Destroy All Humans player. This made it so good the platinum trophy was a good time. Best 20p I ever spent

Not a car guy or a racing game lover.
GT7 on tv: 7/10, pretty fun, good graphics
GT7 in VR: 9.5/10, easily the best racing game I’ve played, best VR game and one of the best gaming experiences in general. Showing people is an absolute treat and there seems to be little chance for VR sickness.
Can’t give it a perfect 10 because the inclusion of microtransactions means it would take 1200 hours, at the very least, to get every car in the game, which is absurd because getting new cars is the motivator.

Einde van Atlantis was een beetje een letdown, voor de rest: 100 uur gespeeld dus het zal wel tof zijn geweest zeker