Skyrim is my favorite single game, but the Mass Effect Trilogy is my favorite franchise of games.

The three games work together so well that I basically think of it as one game in three parts. It just feels limitless with the number of different characters and decisions and relationships that you can choose.

This is a role playing masterpiece

The game that opened my eyes to RPGs. I got this game with my new PS3 because I had heard it was a great showcase for the graphic power of the console. With no idea that this game would change my life when it came to gaming.

Growing up in the 80s I had obviously heard of D&D and role playing, but it carried such a negative connotation (this was a different time people).

That moment you step out of the prison and you can just go and do whatever you want is still one of my favorite memories of gaming I will ever have.

My very first game to play on my new PS4. So much fun I will always remember that moment

I played this game at the beginning of the Covid outbreak and quarantine. It helped take my mind off of the terrifying reality we were living in.

To say this game was an escape for me would be an understatement.

Yeah I know the ending. It doesn't erase the greatness of this game and the culmination of the greatest video game franchise ever made.

Bethesda please for the love of God remaster this game. Please, please, please!!!!!!!

This game bricked my PS3. I eventually finished it on my new PS3 slim.

For sure has its flaws but I think is a much better game than it gets credit for.

The only thing holding this back from being a masterpiece is the combat.

I accidentally started playing this thinking it was XC2. It was so good that I didn't notice something was off until like 15 hours in.

I eventually figured it out and played XC2 and then came back and finished this. The ending of this game is a gut punch

This is DLC? It could be an entire game on its own.

I really hope other gaming companies take notes from CD Projekt RED in how to do DLC the right way.

Don't own this game but I played with my Niece from time time. Very adorable game and lots of fun

I loved the first 2 games of this series. For some reason I just can't get in to this one. I might go back and try it again at some point

I got my ass kicked in the Arcades on MKI. Got MKII on Sega Genesis and after getting it down none of my friends could beat me. Early sign that console gaming was going to be my thing

My brother had this game would play with him when I came home from college. Lots of fun