I can't wait to see where this franchise goes. A lot of love went in to making this game. Holy shit that combat..

I have the Royal Edition on Backlog. As much as I liked this game it definitely felt like something was missing and a bit disjointed.

Much like GTA, my favorite parts were just driving around with the boys listening to music and checking out the scenery.

To be continued...

Fallout 4 felt like a game that could have been a masterpiece of gaming if it just had a little more time in the oven.

It's still a great game and a lot of fun to play.

XC Definitive Edition got me interested in this world. But it was this title that had me hook line and sinker.

I'm still new to this world and learning all of its lore. I wish I could play both titles again before 3 comes out but I simply don't have the time.

To be continued...

I'm so close to finishing this game. I recently moved so have to pause to finish until my new place is setup.

Still I'm confident enough to give this 5 stars. It's also the best graphics in a video game ever period! I mean hot damn is this game gorgeous

I still think this has the best most satisfying ending to a video game ever.

Westerns were never my favorite genre of movies, but this game is just so fun to play with an amazing story. Maybe I should give Westerns another chance

This is still one of the best times I've ever had playing a game. People like to crap on Assassin's Creed, but this is one of the greatest games ever created.

The saying is you always love the first From Software game the most, and they couldn't be more right.

I know that Dark Souls took this format to the next level, but Demon's Souls will always hold a special place in gaming for me.

I have a bit of a love/hate with the Uncharted franchise. Love the story and the exploration, but so bored with all of the constant gun fights and endless enemies.

This game is the one that really stood out to me and the one that I think got the recipe perfect.

Bethesda please go back and play this game to remind yourself what made Fallout so great. Fingers crossed you can get back there

The only thing that keeps this from being 5 stars is the combat.

Mass Effect is my favorite video game franchise of all time.

You get to play as a Pirate and an Assassin. Yes please...

This was my introduction to the world of GTA. As a child who grew up in the 80s on MTV and shows like Miami Vice, this connected with me like nothing else at the time.

It made me second guess what a video game is and could be. I mean why watch Goodfellas when you can literally be Henry Hill.

The story driven game of all story driven games. I've played this game so many times that I've lost count. A sci-fi world with as much lore (maybe more) as Star Wars.

I'm not really sure what else I can say about this game that hasn't already been said. It's not only a crowning achievement in video games but one of the best pieces of media/entertainment ever created.

"I'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite store on the citadel"