6.5 game in its current state. It might be better in the future, but I don't hold out much hope for this. UPD: Raised the score to 7.5 because the game is actually good gameplay-wise. It's just that the aesthetics are currently falling short in terms of quality.

Finally, I got the platinum trophy after 6 and a half years. It's a fun and addicting game, both then and now. Basically, it's a tactical shooter that never stops surprising you. I wish it was as popular as CS2.

I loved Civ 5, and this one is better even without the expansions, so it's easily another 10/10 from me.

I was 24 when I finished the first Sly Cooper for the first time, and I instantly became a fan. It appears that you don't have to be a kid to genuinely fall in love with Sly and his gang. Sly 2 followed the next year, but it somehow took me another 5 years to complete the third chapter of the trilogy. Now I'm 31, and even though I liked the first two games more, and yeah, the challenges were sometimes hardcore, I'm definitely sure that I will miss these beloved characters. Why doesn't anyone make such games anymore?

When I was launching the game, I thought it was short, but in the end, the Stopwatch showed 20 hours. As a fan of VVVVVV, I enjoyed Animal Well a whole lot. The number of good game design decisions is astounding. You can even fast travel by playing certain melodies on the flute! Overall, a big win for Bigmode.

The game is still fun, and the soundtrack is still fire. The atmosphere of Paradise City is almost magical - there are no people, but there are many AI cars, and the radio DJ brings so much life to it that you start to believe the city is real. No police or penalties, a new race at every traffic light, and (still) beautiful scenery. You can also change the time of day on the go, but it doesn't happen in an instant - the sun will quickly rotate for you in real time, as if telling you 'here you go!'. It's like you're in paradise, but a car paradise, do you see my point? The game nailed that feeling.

It's a "you had to be there"-type game. It's so cinematic it's even poetic. It's so immersive that you truly believe that the Galactic War is happening right now, somewhere among the stars. And Malevelon Creek is calling for you, Helldiver. Get to the hellpod. Oil must be spilled.

The Switch is the perfect platform for this game. And all the kids I've played it with absolutely loved it.


It's not a bad game, I just wasn't feeling like investing my time to play it further, at least on PSVR1. Maybe I'll try it on PSVR2 once, and hopefully, it'll feel better.

It's like the "21 Survival" mode from Resident Evil 7 DLC, but 21 times better. A dream game, really. Also perfect for listening to music while playing.

Another case when the game had defeated me. But boy was it fun while it lasted.

Streamed to my friends, barely 7/10 (UPD: nah, too short for that). It lacked a lot in directing. Honestly, if they hadn't been overexplaining what was happening, it could have been a somewhat decent game. Makes me doubt that a good Silent Hill game is possible in our times.

Fun game, but the challenges are too hardcore for poor PSVR1. Completed the story in one sitting and found all the secrets - that's enough for me. UPD: I managed to beat the hardcore challenge, and it was worth it. Makes me want to try the headshot challenge next. The game's design is amazing and deserves at least a 4.5/5.

The game has good mechanics, but the aesthetics and story are too unremarkable. I tried playing it twice, but I wasn't hooked, unfortunately. Still, the devs deserve respect for the hotseat option.