84 reviews liked by ryujingagotoku

This game is alright. It sucks to play without a friend or looking up a guide from time to time to help you out because this game is littered with frustrating design decisions or just poorly thought out mechanics, leaving atleast me quite often confused as to what im supposed to do. What also doesn't help is how disconnected all of the areas and the entire world feels. It gets comical at times like when you take an elevator and suddenly land at bowsers castle. This game has so many frustrating areas and the bosses are often lacking but whilst the world is disconnected its still beautiful and the game has its charms. Honestly you play this game more for the world and the artsy aspect than the gameplay, because even though the core combat gameplay is alright, this isnt often what the game is about but rather traversing the levels (which is fine), but due to this games bad to mediocre areas really frustrating at times.

It's a perfect recreation of the high school experience, complete with that one friend who's really homophobic for no apparent reason that makes you look back and think "wow that guy really was a massive cunt why did I hang out with him" except everyone is homophobic including you

few words can be used to describe postal 4 - mediocre; ugly; buggy and most importantly - joyless.
this game feels like a cashgrab with bad reception of it being covered by multiple layers of irony by RWS that it was intended to be ass.

i struggle to grasp how you can make a postal game and make it inoffensive, using safe unfunny lame humor as well as somehow avoid making it fun. postal 4 humor is literally HAHA FECES HAHA SEX TOYS without anything boundary pushing or interesting to it.

it's insane that it seems like RWS put more effort into their social media accounts than the actual game. the game is ugly as a sin with inconsistent artstyle, it's prone to crashing or bricking mid missions which are not fun in the first place. npcs are incredibly fucking dull compared to postal 2.

i find it to be hilarious RWS tried to distance themselves from postal 3 just to make a game that's closer to it in quality than it is to postal 2, it's incredibly doubtful they will fix it because it would require rewriting the game from the very foundation of it.

if you get a postal itch and want to play this game for some reason - don't. boot up postal: brain damaged (which i consider to be the actual 4th game, not this mess) or postal 2. there isn't a timeline where this game is worth 40 fucking bucks, even 20 bucks is pushing it for this piece of dookie.

I always had something of a soft spot for Wall Street Kid. In a sea of forgettable platformers on the NES you have this somewhat humorous simulation of buying and selling stocks and taking your girlfriend on an infinite number of expensive dates. It really isn't that engaging after like a half hour but I think it deserves more credit for trying something different on a home console.

I played Chicken Shoot as a kid because of course I did. This game's all about how fast you can touch cock with the DS stylus. Its kind of like if the word "shovelware" was uttered enough times that it was able to take the cosmic background energy and coalesce into a being of pure hatred. Another game sold exclusively in pharmacies and probably funeral homes

Some of the great minds behind Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, and Chrono Trigger team up to create a Jimmy Neutron JRPG on the Xbox 360. This game has crazy Nicktoons Network energy and it's honestly not too bad, but nothing remarkable. The boss theme is iconic for having the guy from Deep Purple do the vocals, it's wild how stacked their team was and it still turned out kinda lukewarm.

i was a well-behaved kid, i never swore or anything around adults and stayed out of trouble. one day a deep darkness swirled within me while playing super scribblenauts, and i walked up to my dad with the game. this was the one where they added adjectives, so once he was looking, i typed "Big Fat Ass" with the stylus and spawned a large donkey. never seen him laugh so much in my life

i had a song from this game stuck in my head for around 18 years and finally found it the other day

vivid memories of laying alone in the dark listening to sum 41 on my DS. this was my ipod and it got me through the most evil trials of my life

I think often about how this game takes place over like a day and half. usually when i hit the gym i can handle like an hour or so of lifting, and then im spent for the day. i think after the del lago fight if i was leon i'd throw up and try to walk back home