you would think that after skinning an animal for the 100th time he'd get used to it, whiny mf

Connect the pipes like in the old DOS game for them turrets to go BZZZZZZZZZZUTTTTT and waste them zombie fools eliminating any and all challenge and suspense; yes I'm a bit of an intellectual for liking this, games are art and not children toys. Btw did you see my big daddy funko??

Fans arguably more annoying than genshitters in how much they rim the game's ass, the kind of armadillos that unironically praise autodeploy as some groundbreaking, gamechanging feature because the grind is oh so bearable when you don't have to keep clic- I mean tapping all the time

weapons with a freeze enchantment stack the effect and since it's a diablo clone you could effectively permafreeze everything by consistently hitting it, carefully balanced game

Try a word. Any word.

...not that one! >:(

ok but consider this: succoma

I hope they crank up the visuals in Murder Dog V

robin hood is a drawing because british people aren't real

who would've known that to make a far cry game fun you just had to increase your playable character's running speed 5x so you don't have to ever bother with the shitty vehicles


The disdain for modern titles many have often traces to stinkers like this; of course the LOTR inspired fantasy was/is too boring and we have matured now. Blud and segs is all we need, wanting GoT not knowing we would get got; appropriately we are relegated to one dry ass town that is edgier than a hexagon with random spikes lying around everywhere full of OI M8 willing to shank your bum with no regards for your knowledge of the arcane. No more choosing of races because lil Timmy will need a break from MW to play a char he can relate to - the AI generated sheriff of Nottingham with a face scar that's seen some SHIT. Party members oh yeah I love the elf slave femboi, I can fix him; can't fix the weirdo priest tho, nor the pirateslut nor the anxietygal, should hire a real repairman; naturally one of the most requested mods was the one that lets you date your sister cementing this series as the truest successor to Baldur's Gate there will ever be.

I truly wish real life wars were fought like the ones in this Care Bears special; complete lack of stakes, harm comes to none but the cottonball enemies filled with undying rage, their conviction unfaltering to trap you in one of the blandest combat systems ever conceived, battles so sleep inducing people recommend speed trainers to get to the real meat faster, the hundreds of episodes long battle shounen anime-tier story; stay tuned for the 16th game in the series for that's when shit really hits the fan.