7 reviews liked by sanka



You too, can get over depression with the power of mediocre puzzle platforming and Kirby's Down+B.

Extremely pretty at least.



I do not find it beautiful. I do not find it moving. I find it precious. Delicate but gaudy, restrained but excessive, fluid but deeply static. I find it so goddamn boring.

It asks me to admire it. Insists upon it even. But I don’t. My breath is untaken, my awe uninspired. It’s all so monotonous and hollow. It tells me to feel, but I do not feel. What a terrible thing: assumed feeling unfelt.

There is nothing to hold onto here. It strikes the most self-serious art game pose — I Am Become Grief, Destroyer of Girls — but dodges all specifics. Yet grief is always specific. Trauma is always specific. Depression too, even when it feels absolutely diffuse and general. Each is rooted in a specific self. But Gris ditches the self and gives us instead the everygrief. Or is it the everytrauma? There’s no telling

We cross tiresome landscapes, past uninspired iconography, through bland mechanics, and nothing lands. Nothing lands. The game just sits there, faceless and cool, daring you to question its beauty.



On-the-nose visual metaphor that is almost as funny as the main character's overall design. A 'nothing ventured, nothing gained' type of game - has nothing to say about depression or trauma besides lovingly painted watercolour renditions of the images you get when you Google Image search those words. I wish this was affecting, but it just left me bored and frustrated.



A case for the eradication of art students around the world.

"Is This Really What We Settle For?"

"The Artful Escape" did not give me a good first impression from its trailer - it felt immature, too whimsical to provide a coherent plot point, and looked to have a far too simplistic gameplay loop. Alas, trailers can indeed mislead, so I decided to forget all of that and try the darn game out myself...and I absolutely loved it! Well, for the first hour or so...

This game is not good. You're likely already seeing the effect this game had on my sanity throughout the introduction of this review, but I pretty much felt like I was being subjected to torture through the medium in a way I haven't really experienced before. See, the game misleads you with its marketing in order to make you think it is cliche, then it runs you down with a GREAT opening sequence. You'll think to yourself, "This is something special! The art is really solid, the characters aren't too shabby, and listening to guitar solos rules!".

And then it gets pretentious.

Look, this game says a whole lot of nothing about what it means to be an artist, what the depths of a life-changing journey can do to a person, and what individualism at its core really is. Characters have no real reason for existing, the narrative AND plot both lack a sense of seriousness, and the humor is lazy and surface level without exploring the medium of music with much depth. All this is going on while in the background, the gameplay literally devolves into holding the right stick in a direction, occasionally talking to a character, and playing a f*ckin Simon Says guitar game.

Without its albeit pleasing aesthetic, this game would be a dumpster fire of contrived character interactions, lazy worldbuilding, and piss-poor repetitive music. Yet even the art style is shallow and soulless. Sure, it LOOKS good, but there isn't really a sequence where the game utilizes its art style for deepening the plot, showcasing its universe with nuance, or really painting anything as truly alive (at least in a somewhat believable sense). It's basically all spectacle without a sense of substance.

Now if you enjoyed the game or enjoy games like this, don't worry - I'm not here to demean you (even though internet opinions ignite pseudo proxy wars every five minutes). I'm really more concerned with why people criticize and analyze games as art so harshly in general, and yet when a game presents itself as something "deep" or "artful" (I mean it's in the friggin' title), there's a massive lack of analysis for its message, game design, and overall presentation besides the fact that the player "found it fun". It's just a question that I guess will haunt me forever while being in love with the medium...

...just like this game will sort of hover over me for a long time in a sort of Freddy Krueger type of way. It haunts me in my dreams, it makes me question reality, and it darn well tried its best to put me to sleep in order to murder me. Well, maybe not so much the last one, but I bet with more time I might uncover more about this "escapist" experience.

Yeah, I don't recommend it.

Final Verdict: 3/10 (Poor)



As boring as visually atractive (the first hour at least)

Forced myself a few times to play it until I quit.

The game starts telling this is the creator's personal experience fighting a mental illness but all you find is one cliché after another. The gameplay is repetitive and boring and the only thing remarkable are the graphics. Another Journey wannabe that is far from its model.