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sasseebee reviewed Final Fantasy XIV: Reflections in Crystal

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i do not think i have been this abnormal about a fictional character ever. anyways G'RAHA TIA!!!!!!! NO MATTER WHAT MY LIFE IS YOURS!!!!!!!!

1 day ago

sasseebee reviewed Final Fantasy XIV: Vows of Virtue, Deeds of Cruelty

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this patch converted me into an estinien/dragoon fan

3 days ago

sasseebee completed Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers

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(2nd time playing shadowbringers)
shadowbringers is not my favorite expansion but by god is it still cool as fuck

it's not perfect, there are some moments that were boring as fuck (cough cough il mheg, but i will give it credit for giving us "what angel wakes me" and cunty urianger) but i feel the highs outweigh the lows

tbh i wish they showed the ascension that is mentioned in the eulmore quests. it's heavily implied that it turns the ascended into sin eaters, but i wish we could've gotten something like tesleen's transformation in amh areng

also, shadowbringers is greatly enhanced by having the knowledge someone who is caught up with the msq. (specifically the azem and g'raha tia knowledge). throughout the expansions there are little hints towards later revelations that are both intriguing and sometimes really fucking funny (if thats your kind of humor)

also the exarch. ohhhhh my god the crystal fucking exarch. that man has invaded my brain and will has not left since i finished 5.3 (i have yet to replay that but oh my god). reading his dialogue knowing who he is and what the fuck he is planning is both exhilarating and agonizing. so glad he got shot in the back. SPEAKING OF THAT. the exarch reveal cutscene will never get old no matter how many times i have watched it and i have watched it a million times. it's great.

that ending sequence is still cool as fuck, shout out to ardbert, realest one imaginable

all in all, amazing expansion, AND it gave us g'raha tia. couldn't ask for more.

4 days ago

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