Wow. This was much worse than I remembered.

Somehow I think I mixed up this game with Just Cause in my head.

Well, this is a tough one.

To this day I finished only two Zelda games, The Minish Cap and this one, and almost finished Link's Awakening. I found Minish Cap amazing, one of my favourite games, and Link's Awakening was great, although the last dungeon difficulty made me give up halfway through. But the atmosphere and feel of that game was truly one of a kind, and even though it's so simple I get what people say when they talk about why it is so special.

Wind Waker, though...was ok, albeit a bit frustrating. That's the best I can say about it. I really liked the characters, but I could never connect much with the world or story. Sailing and exploring was really fun for the first few hours, but it eventually boiled down to so much repetition I just wanted it to end already so I could move on from it. After just a week I had already moved on from it and felt nothing about my time with it. That was it, just another game that I played.

Pretty fun turn-based combat. The story is a bit lukewarm for now but if it follows Honkai Impact's pattern then it'll get bonkers soon.

Characters are really fun, and the best aspect of the game until now. Protagonist has far more agency than in Genshin, and feels like an actual likeable character with personality.

It's funny that all the reasons people seem to hate this game is that it's animal crossing game.

Surprisingly unpredatory and sincere despite being a random mobile game. No energy system, no artificial handicap to your progression to make you spend money -- the closest thing to that is that you need some of the skins to 100% the game, but you can play ir normally without them and you just need two or three if you really feel like pushing to 100%, since these ones do pretty much what other skins do.

For this I salute it, despite not being anything that special. THe closest thing to it I found was Candies n' Curses.

Not as meaty or interesting as the first one, somehow. A touch screen warioware game does sound awesome in paper but the minigames simply arent as fun or creative as the first one, and the touch screen feels gimmicky most times rather than something that adds to the overall experience. Not bad, just pales in comparison to its predecessor.

I wish they had made HQ character models as well, and improved localisation the way Vagrant Story did, but other than this, this is a direct improvement on the original game in every way. Seeing the backgrounds and portraits in HQ for the first time and noticing so many details I hadn't before is just an amazing feeling, even if they are exactly as I remember them lol also really cool for it to include Ring Ring Land as well. This is definitely the version to play. I'm glad they recognised the importance of the art in this game and didn't go for a 3D remake like Trials.

Wasn't a fan of the arranged version of the soundtrack, though. I prefer the originals.

As someone who played a lot of RTS but never cared too much for the S part, and was always interested in city buildings but could never get past their complexity, this was a fun experience. It's like Warcraft 3 if the entire game was just collecting resources and exploring. It's deep but at the same time very simple and intuitive.

That's still a roguelike, and like most roguelikes I can't really imagine myself getting too invested into it, especially this one that seems very daunting to progress.

One of the most fun and unique stealth/puzzle games I've played, and to this day there's nothing quite like it. It sure shows its age, and I'm not fond of replaying it, but it's worth experiencing it for the first time.

Neatly designed and charming, I'm pretty sure I played some flash games with the same concept back in the day, but it's far too limited and scripted to be really enjoyable.

Anyone else having memory leaks issues with this? I searched on steam and apparently it's a problem for some people but the devs have no idea what's causing it .


I remember liking this game a lot, but never finishing it because my PS2 CD always froze near the end of the game.

A few years ago I got it to play on PC. Ended up soft-locking myself in the final battle because I was way too underleved or something (which somehow hadn't been a problem until that moment) and couldn't stand a chance against the final boss lol

Black Flag the pirate game: wow, this is actually quite fun and competently made. It's simple and kinda repetitive, but it's amazing how much it works most of the time. Makes you wonder, if Ubisoft made this, why didn't more competent developers follow through with their own pirate games? Maybe this is truly peak, and there's not much others could add to it?

Just sailing around piling ships reminds me a lot of my first dozen hours of Red Dead Redemption 2. I didn't even bother about fast-travelling, just horsing around through the world was so much fun. It's surprising just how easy it is to make an open world game, when you remove all the clutter that makes completing it a chore and just focus on making it a fun place to explore and to be in.

4 stars.


Oh, yeah, trailing missions. I just love those, haha. Wait, there's trailing missions in the sea too? Why...

Why? WHY UBISOFT? Why you keep shoehorning stealth sections if you didn't even figure out how it worked in Metal Gear Solid?


Oh well, the story and characters are cool I guess. I really like Kidd, and I wish Opía had a bigger role than just a sidequest one.

Also, the death scenes are fucking hilarious. Edward has so much sass and no chill, it's especially funny in the Templar Hunts where he's just standing there waiting for his cue.

2 stars.

Man, the writing for the dialogue in this game is so...tiring. It's not just the weird necessity for all characters to keep talking all the time, but it feels like the writers wanted to constantly be making quips and jokes and being witty all the fucking time, and that's just not how people talk. It feels more like an amateur book or a Reddit post than a game.