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4 days ago

seby followed Weatherby

5 days ago

seby played Have a Nice Death
Carried by it's charm.

Have A Nice Death is basically Hollow Knight gameplay with Dead Cells progression and level design. The art style creates so much polish within the level and character design. The dialogue isn't anything amazing, but fits well under the art style. My favorite part is probably the scythe attack animations, they have weight but are still extremely flashy.

Gameplay, on the other hand, is fun for like the first 5 runs. There's really no point in exploring the levels like Dead Cells as the most you can is a little bit of extra currency unlike Dead Cells where you can get a ton of shit in one level. It also has the Dead Cells unlock mechanic where you turn in currency to unlock an item for future runs, but also suffers the same fate of having not being able to test those items and now you have to hope you don't get a dogshit item for future runs. This point becomes even worse when you realize that like 80% of the items/weapons/cloak arts or w/e in this game are dogshit and aren't fun compared to the top tier ones. So you start unlocking stuff and realize it's harming you more than helping. Like yeah, I get that higher tier items should be cooler, but at least make the base ones fun to use lmfao. This is one of those games you just hit reset over and over until you hit something good if you want a remotely good run. There's not really a lot of thinking or playing around a "bad run." It just becomes not fun.

For your roguelike upgrades, Curses, you can choose between physical, survivability, or magic. The upgrades themselves are actually really fun but it's really hard to mix and match, like dabbling into physical while magicmaxxing. They're fun for a while, but it's hard to create unique builds and you're pretty much forced to max one out.

Some people say the bosses are too hard in this game, but honestly it's a coinflip. Some bosses are simply skill issues with timing/nerves control, but there are some bosses where it's genuinely impossible to dodge a move unless you're Faker. The telegraphed warnings for certain moves are useless and they stay inconsistent throughout the entire game. I'm pretty sure a lot of people who like the art style of this game are getting fucked by this.

If you like dead cells, you will like this game. If you like hollow knight, you may or may not like this game. If you like the art style of this game, watch a video first lol.

5 days ago

5 days ago

seby played Stick Fight: The Game
Fun co-op novelty game that you and your friends will pick up for an hour before getting bored of the same levels. You can keep it fresh with custom workshop levels, but you really can only play so many rounds of this game before going like "aight, that's enough."

9 days ago

seby played UNO
I mean it's UNO. It's fun.

Though, Ubisoft manages to make this game unfun. No cross platform play, no way to properly pause, no more than 4 players, no way to turn off the timer. Add this with the unholy and sacrilegious piece of SHIT that is the ubisoft connect launcher, and this game literally feels like bloatware that was installed with your PC for free. I just fucking hate you Ubisoft. Fuck you.

9 days ago

seby played Spelunky
Truly the dark souls of roguelikes. I know this because I'm filtered by this game.

The base concept of the game is really fun, but there's just so much stuff that makes you go "okay that's bullshit" and most of the time it actually is. Like YEAH you can just "git gud," but I just don't have the patience to "git gud" at this game. It just doesn't feel worth it.

9 days ago

seby completed Tricky Towers
This is a game for non-gamers. It's 100% dead at this point but this is lowkey a GOATed couch co-op game if you like tetris. The goal of this game is just to make a tower with tetris pieces like the "tippin bloks" arcade game which doesn't sound like a lot of fun, but once you get into the groove of things, it starts to get competitive FAST. They also give you different bases/foundations to work with so the gameplay is still somewhat fresh between levels.

Play with your friends and it's like an 90% chance of a good time. Truly, they hit a second tricky tower.

9 days ago

seby abandoned Tales of Zestiria
The one word I would use to describe this game is: Empty

The first environment is a huge, plain, open field with nothing in it like the first iteration of No Man's Sky, and it doesn't get much better from there. The combat is pretty much the same as the other tales games, so if you played the other ones you're not missing out. You WOULD play this game for the story as it's a tales game, but unfortunately all the characters feel empty. There's no substance in anything for this game. I guess the character designs are kind of cool? And I'm being really lenient when I say "kind of."

9 days ago

seby played Super Auto Pets
Honestly criminal monetization like BTD6. But also like BTD6, the base game is already so good that I don't really care.

It's always fun to load up this game from time to time and hop into whatever weekly is going on. It's super casual, but at the same time will get you hype as fuck if you get a lucky or good round.

While some animals feel useless, it always does feel like the devs make weeklies at least cohesive so it's fresh every time. It's like pokemon: while some can be useless most of the time, there can be niche situations where they can pop off. You just have to have the insight to make it happen.

9 days ago

seby played Warframe
Probably not the most accurate representation as I haven't played in a while, but the base gameplay is extremely fun. Combat and shooting actually feel fun and despite the destiny-like "higher difficulty = more health" mechanics, there's enough unique enemies to keep you on your feet every time. While not EVERY warframe is a banger and fun to play, there's definitely enough warframes for everyone to find and get comfortable with.

While I'm sure it's changed, the F2P aspect made this game an enjoyable grind. Yeah the farmville type beat of "wait 16 IRL hours for this to craft or pay with real money" is annoying, but there's always plenty of other stuff to do while you wait for your new gun to craft. Gathering mods, mats, warframe parts, or whatever else you need is something that's FUN grinding for. I'm not sure how it works nowadays, but trading warframe parts for premium currency like it's runescape was fun as fuck and I wasted so many hours grinding and trading. Fashionframe is the true endgame.

I dropped it though because once they started adding keys to planets (back in like 2017 or smth) it really changed the way you would grind and it honestly became a chore. I did try this game again when they released the huge ass open world, but honestly it wasn't enough to keep me playing.

If you start now, there's a LOT of player knowledge and a LOT of grind to go through, which might be what some players want. For me, this game is like an ex I care about. I'll always remember it fondly, but I'll probably never interact with it again because it's a completely different thing now and I don't want my memories ruined.

9 days ago

seby abandoned Rogue Legacy
Albeit one of the first roguelike games, I feel like rogue legacy doesn't have a lot going for it.

Like yeah, it does have every roguelike permanent upgrades and unlocks you can have, but for me, this game just feels jank. While it's cool as a roguelike, it just doesn't feel good to swing your sword or to explore levels. Some of them get really annoying due to their level design, so sometimes I just feel compelled to skip to the end just cause I don't want to play the game. And when that happens, I just shouldn't play the game at all lol.

9 days ago

seby played Rivals of Aether
A smash clone with NO JANK???? I'm surprised we live in this timeline.

While it's obviously a smash clone, it feels like the devs took the good parts of melee and molded it into something not completely different, but something of their own for sure. Whether it's wavedashing or crouch canceling, rivals feels like a game that's actually worth getting good at. Well implemented rollback is also a bonus.

What REALLY sets this game apart from the others is the workshop. Adding custom characters from perry the platypus to ugly ass Caseoh is fun as fuck. Facts. There is simply no way that this is a bad thing. Nearly limitless community content that you can explore to your liking. I hope Rivals 2 is this good.

9 days ago

seby abandoned Redout
It just feels like a novelty after a couple of races. I played it for a couple of hours, realized "yeah this is it" and got bored with it. I don't really see a reason to pick it up again, even if I want to play a modernized F-zero.

9 days ago

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