I move. I kill. I get EXP. I get stronger so I can kill and move better. I repeat until I win. no BS, just pure game. lets fucking go.

Charming little game. Control the world around you with 8 notes. That's all you have, and that's all you'll use. Save the world with those 8 notes. That's the game. I probably wouldn't play it by myself but if your little cousin who is 4 wants to play, there's always this instead of showing them cocomelon for the 300th time.

One of the better survivor Rust type progression games. Building your base is cool, they give you a lot of options for customization. Traveling is really annoying but it makes sense from a design perspective. I haven't played with PVP on, as I assume people are dicks and will just fuck you on sight like how most Rust servers are nowadays, but getting to endgame feels good and the grind isn't too bad. Also, you can get followers and command them to walk around your castle which I think is cool. There's a lot of little stuff like that that add up in this game.

Honestly the combat isn't bad its just that this is a weirdo ass game and not in the good way

As a game, this game is honestly 4.5/5. Best parkour in a shooter hands down. Just super held back by it's publisher. They need to make titanfall 3 man

one of the only sequels to take everything good about the first game, translate it into a whole different perspective, and then proceeded to make everything BETTER. Damn

we ran this one until the screen lagged out fr

PEAK colony sim of our generation. Someone needs to make the jump from 2D to 3D like risk of rain did and they have the colony sim game of all time.

Does this game rip off a lot of shit? oh hell yeah. Does this game rip off menus str8 from other games? oh fuck yeah. BUT. Does it take everything that's good from those games and adds its own spin to it? Oh fuck ya. AND you can get past grinding for materials by having your pals do it for you while you go out and do other stuff? OH FUCK YA.

Held back by a variety of playstyles, like you HAVE to have an iron farm by midgame if you wanna do good. I wish there were other ways to sustain to endgame. The grind is there, but it's not that bad compared to like ARK and shit since your pals can grind through a lot of it once you get them up and running.

yo dawg we heard you like micromanaging people

Neat little adventure game. Pretty much equivalent to watching a movie for 4 hours, but dialogue and writing aren't cringe at least. The story itself is nothing amazing, but it's worth playing through I'd say. If you're not interested within the first 30 minutes, it's not for you.

i thought the updates were supposed to make it fun

It's like dark souls if they made the enemies 3x harder and gave you weapons that are worse and less fun to use. atleast enemy designs are cool though

It's honestly not a bad MMORPG. There's a lot of good base elements, it's just there's so much time-wasting elements that it feels so fucking bad to play. Having mounts locked behind a paywall feels awful to people who have already paid 30 bucks. Shit like that is constantly happening and will only happen more, so it makes sense why players are leaving everyday, which sucks cause there's a good base game underneath all the monetary BS.