Great Combat and overall feel to the game. The push pull of aggressive combat and magic/parrying makes for an exciting system. Challenge is all over the place with some bosses and sections being extremely challenging and then the next boss a total breeze. By the end of the game the level design and enemies start to feel a bit stale, but the brevity of the game is a welcome change compared to the slog that the Nioh games become.

I absolutely love and adore the take on the Romance of the Three Kingdoms in a Niohsoulslike format. By spending a little bit of time in the setting I was ready to dive back into a Dynasty Warriors game.

All in all very fun despite it's short comings and the Game Pass accessibility makes it an easy play. Not a banger, but a strong effort. Would like to see the devs take a bit more time in between their games to cook a bit more on the next project.

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From opening to close I really enjoyed my time with Plague Tale. The moments I found myself thinking back on the most are the quite times while you are exploring an environment or talking with one of your companions without the threat of being murdered by a fanatical inquisition soldier or devoured by rats. Not to knock on the gameplay too much it serves it's purpose and between the limited combat and environmental puzzles nothing lingers too long. The Sling feels good when you nail a head shot and there are plenty of options for how to handle each situation while still feeling like a child. If someone catches you they will one hit kill you. The final boss felt a little video game anime for me. Throwing rat tornadoes at the final boss pulled me out of what was otherwise a fairly ground experience. When all is said and done a very solid non-AAA, but nailing that big budget AAA feel.

This is gonna be one of the sleeper hits of the year. Drinkbox is really one of the best studios around. I downloaded this on game pass on a whim and was glued to it till the end. One of the most addictive progression systems I've ever played. Goofy characters and world that might not hit for everyone, but for me maintains it's charm till the end.

The single most replayable game on planet Earth. I've played through well over 10 times, lost a memory card and started over playing through another 10 times. Over the years of owning the game I'll pick it up start from wherever I'm at and play through 1ish times. So many Borgs and the gotcha system keeps you hunting for the rarer and rarer ones. Puts Genshin Impact to shame.

The pay to play killed it for me. Otherwise style gets a 5/5 SENPAI

The things in games I would put up with as a kid.

Kinda have a soft spot for this game. Feels like a John Woo film throughout. Driving around Hong Kong just has a great feel to it. Pure sandbox mayhem. Definitely spent a bunch of hours just driving off ramps and running people over. I also am a big fan of the focus on melee combat rather than guns.

I came into this game very late after a lot of the microtransaction problems were fixed/changed. Had a blast.


Special Note on how great the OST is by Japanese Breakfast. Otherwise after playing the game for about 4-6ish hours nothing particularly grabbed me. Mid platforming/environmental puzzles, floaty driving with no real "feel" to it and a story that doesn't do a good enough job to get me to the next area/plot point. Either needed more solid gameplay or story to help the other out. That being said it's a very pretty game with a distinct art direction and some interesting ideas for a game that you are supposed to low key vibe to.