In those endless youtube essays, I see that town...
Reddit Hill

sorrow series really did this game dirty huh

Better than the best parts of 4, 5 and Infinite combined.

The batmobile was fucking fun and if you disagree I'll run you over with it

This game is so much fun! I love how it takes several days for 3 colonists to sow a 5x5 patch of land, and then murder eachother because they didn't bother building a fucking bed!
On its own, this game is an incredibly boring repetition simulator, and Tynan is a terrible developer. With mods, it turns into an absurd kitchen-sink experience that can be quite fun. But it's not a good game.


The defense aspect is fun but sneaking slowly through the exact same corridors over and over is not.

Better than real tf2 these days

Played for like 6 hours and lost 2 hours of progress to a game crash and completely worthless checkpoint system, but honestly this game was a 5/10 at best anyway. Still the best LoK game so far.

Holy relic of American culture

a silly little failure. not sure why people are sucking this game off all of a sudden