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A fantastic deduction and social puzzle game that takes heavy inspirations from Ace Attorney (obviously). (like really obviously, it has a Maya and Mia, Edgeworth/Franziska, but these characters are just inspirations. Besides their similarities in their roles in the story, they are not copies of those characters) It's got a fun cast of believable and likeable characters, a banging OST, and some well-thought out and logical cases.

Attorney of the Arcane takes place in a fantasy world, which infinitely expands the scope of what's possible in an investigation game about murders, yet every single case in the game can be deduced and solved by following the logic that was established in the world. Admittedly, the ending is a bit messy, but it does nicely tie up every loose end.

Case 4 and 5 are definite highlights of the series, with 4 being my personal favorite. Case 1 as always the tutorial case. Case 2 and 3 are still good cases, but without spoiling any of the cases, I think Case 3 would be the worst one of out of all of them Relatively speaking of course, they are still all fantastic.

I have not played many Ace Attorney games. Just the first one to completion, and the second one up to Case 3, but it does play more seriously than Ace Attorney.

I am giving the game a 5/5, although there are some very small UI elements that are very slightly annoying, as well as no skip and fast-forward button to skip past already read dialogue common in VN. There's also some poor quality production, probably due to budget. These are very minor gripes and do not take away from it's excellent story and gameplay.

Minus 0.5 for not having any dialogue went presenting your attorney's badge.

Civ V is the definite Civ game for me. It was actually one of the first games I've ever played on PC as it came free with the laptop I bought, the greatest gift of mankind. Ultimately, I've shelved the Civ series for paradox and 4X games in general, but it holds a special place in my heart.

My first 'Ace Combat" game. A fantastic game for wild dogfights and dumbass stories. Admittedly, the story was only somewhat decent, but the characters is what makes this game shine from just being just another plane simulator. Beware of the Orange. (Also, I played this game entirely in first person)

I played this game at the 2.0 release along with the Phantom Liberty DLC. Now, I'm a straight dumbass, but I got super immersed in the world and story. I love all of the characters. Keanu Reeves did a good job playing Johnny, and I was fully invested in the Johnny's and V's relationship and story. Although one complaint is that Keanu does not know how to emote in otherwise touching moments.

Jump King is a game about optimization and perfection. Not giving up in the face of defeat. I got to the babe at the top. Three times. Also this game made me "get" speedrunning.

It's portal. I played this in 2023, so I don't really "get" why it was so revolutionary at the time. But it's portal and it's very good puzzle game.

Really good single-player shooter. I love the Star wars universe, especially the stories told by the clones. Wish it had a co-op feature, but it's not like any of you people would play it with me.

Neon White is a really fun game about speed running. When you complete maps in less than 10 seconds, yet your 3 seconds behind a gold medal, it makes me want to push for perfection and optimization. Sonic but good.

Same reason for HOTS, but technically this is a backlog because I never played the campaign, only watched it to completion.

Starcraft 2 is the greatest e-sports made. I got into it as a child, and I love the competitive aspect of a game that demands perfection. The lore is very cool, the story is whatever, but the campaign is super fun.

A dumbass game for dumbass people. The only reason why I'm not bad at the game is because i spent 1,000 hours fumbling around and watching playthroughs. I got no idea how to game works nor why I like playing it so much. I think it's a combination of watching numbers go up (in this case it's the map painting variant) and my interest in history.

Although, that history part is becoming more false because I play with the fantasy conversion Anbennar mod.

One of the best games I've ever played. There's not much else beside I wish I got amnesia so I could play this game again. Although, that were my thoughts about 5 years ago when I played it for the first time. I think now, I've become so jaded in video games that I have no idea how well BoTW holds up today.