downloaded bc cheap on steam, ended up hooked for hours. haaaate how often u have to eat so u don’t die tho like cmon

if i’m rating based on gameplay this is -100 but if i’m rating based on how addicted i am to pressing the big red button to roll the dice and collecting millions of dollars each time, it’s 5/5

better than switch sports times one thousand BRING BACK BOXING!!

bought bc it was cheap and wanted a game to play on my laptop to pass time but ended up really enjoying myself fr

absolutely gorgeous interactive story and really fun visuals, played in full one rainy afternoon snuggled on the couch. not too much to do other than follow along & read stuff but i enjoyed myself

i hated this at first i kept bankrupting myself because i wanted to just build heaps of random stuff and my peeps hated my ass but then one day i understood how it worked and it was suddenly the best game in the world

essentially just prison break which is my fav show so no complains - such a fun game, wish there were more co-op games like this available. the twist got me and my bf absolutely screaming and trying to press buttons faster than each other

cute af!! my bf and i still need to finish this we accidentally forgot we were playing it lol but i wish there were more co-op games around like this

played for the fun cases to solve, stayed for miles edgeworth and the gay agenda

insanely good game, i got so immersed i forgot it was a game and my choices wouldn’t actually kill me or someone else irl

also i have a crush on connor

comfort game, i dont think i have done anything else for more hours. i can’t put much more into words rn


LOVEEEEE! my only qualm really about this game is that it should have been longer! completed a full play through in about 7 hours, could have done it far quicker but i like to explore every crevice & get as many achievements as i can. this was gorgeous though, the simplicity of just being a wee cat with a robot friend exploring this colourful and exciting cyberpunk esque world. the stupid zurks sucked though like for such a sweet game they were unexpectedly annoying to outrun omfg. overall though vibes were 10/10, will play again absolutely. minus half a star for the zurks and the fact i was left wanting so much more game