played for the fun cases to solve, stayed for miles edgeworth and the gay agenda

love love love love. can i put the hours spent playing this game on my CV? i was a fashion retail expert at age 9 for real

also i wanted dominic sooooo bad

actually fun af & relaxing (except parking)

essentially just prison break which is my fav show so no complains - such a fun game, wish there were more co-op games like this available. the twist got me and my bf absolutely screaming and trying to press buttons faster than each other

comfort game, i dont think i have done anything else for more hours. i can’t put much more into words rn

better than switch sports times one thousand BRING BACK BOXING!!

bought bc it was cheap and wanted a game to play on my laptop to pass time but ended up really enjoying myself fr

if i’m rating based on gameplay this is -100 but if i’m rating based on how addicted i am to pressing the big red button to roll the dice and collecting millions of dollars each time, it’s 5/5

fun way to pass time with your mates, i get surprisingly snappy and competitive as the game goes on

smash random buttons get points fun for all the family

underrated pokemon game, played it to death when i was like 9. the circling mechanic got old eventually but it was something different from the other pokemon games - would love to play it again at some point

i still think about this game all the time. sooo cute, many many hours spent playing as a kid, i loved finding all the different combos of essences to create new stuff

if anyone on here has completed this game and remembers where to find the scientists robot dog late game please let me know because i’ve played through about six times and stopped at that point every time because i’ve never been able to find it and not a single walkthrough ever helped me x

idk why this is on here it’s not a game but it sure felt like one. i’d spend hours in empty chat rooms drawing pictures and typing messages just to send to nobody<3