92 Reviews liked by skrunkly

yknow it was kinda fun for an hour but idk why it deserved 2 sequels

every kirby game post superstar ultra has felt weirdly soulless to me. iunno, just something about them rub me the wrong way. they all look kinda ugly, the gameplay never really feels like it evolves in a meaningful way, instead just adding weird gimmicks to every new game. every new character design from them sucks, and the "ooh cutesy thing is actually dark!" stuff really falls flat after 64 reached the peak of that whole idea. its still pretty fun, just empty feeling. Sad!

this little shitfaced monkey has the audacity to, first off, be so curious it became his identity. which i just find ridiculous. curious about what? he's not smart enough to understand anything anyways. but secondly this little ape has the worst double jump in all of gaming. you gotta press the jump button twice before it registers, you can't double jump at a point during the first jump you gotta commit immediately. I'm sorry everyone but curious george on ps2 isnt that good. i know that's hard to take in and im sorry

This is everything that the original Jet Set Radio was meant to be. The controls feel so much smoother and your character is just a little faster for that extra oomph. The combat has been improved and simplified so all you need to do is knock them over in the streets and spray by holding down a button. And the graffiti is simplified too so you can spray on the go and you don't have to stay in one place doing a fancy dance while hoping the police don't catch you. The game is technical and filled with depth, yet it provides plenty of learning opportunities through tutorials and excellent level design. Add to the fact that this game has an outstanding soundtrack and looks better than many games from the 2010s, and you've got yourself one of the greatest games of all time. SEGA really is doing themselves a disservice by not polishing this in a modern port, but regardless, do whatever it takes to play this game if you like stylish games that are a blast to move and jump around in. One of my favorite games that I played this year.

When it comes to "technical milestones in gaming history", we think about our Dooms, or Star Foxes, our Mario 64s, our FF7s. But never does Ys Book I & II come up.

This was an epic 20-hour two-part RPG with animated cutscenes, fully-fledged professional voice acting in both Japanese and English, arranged OST using real CD instruments, and extensive side content all in 1989. A 500MB game in a time when games rarely exceeded 500KB. And it was all done by a small Japanese studio. This is one for the history books and it's a shame it doesn't get the respect the deserves.

As for the game itself, though? Haha, bump combat go BRRRRRRBRBRBRBRRRBRRBRR

I think Smash is way more fun when its broken and people who take the series seriously are the biggest losers on earth.

im a grown ass motherfucker why did i cry at the credits when the R&B song started playing?

people who say dark souls is the hardest video game have yet to play panel de pon

Star Fox Zero is a game that many will say is horrible due to the control scheme. While I can agree that the controls take some getting used to, I think the game has some great ideas and very fun set pieces.

The game is pretty short, similar to 64 in that way. I finished all of the side missions and alternate paths as well, some of them were pretty fun, but most weren't that amazing as the side paths in this game don't usually lead to other planets just small missions. Two of the side missions are literally the same missions but with different vehicles.

Speaking of different vehicles, you control three vehicles throughout the adventure, and most of them are fun, other than the Gyrojet. The "returning" Walker mode on the arwing is a nice touch, as a callback to Star Fox 2. I thought the controls for these vehicles were pretty good, though the separate aiming and movement does take some getting used to as well as having to focus on both screens at once.

I think the music and graphics are very nice as well, with nice renditions of classic SF tunes and the game looks like how I imagined 64 looked as a kid. The re-playability is also very nice with each main mission having 5 medals to collect, and these unlock extra training missions.

All in all, Star Fox Zero is worth a play-though, if you can get used to the control scheme. It has some nice music, graphics, and mostly fun levels / bosses.

Learn to trust a fucker who brought the star fox adventures manual with them on car rides and kept a bookmark on the learn to speak dinosaur page when he tells you its good.

Don't even fucking dare post a review here until this comes out. I'm only posting to tell you guys to not.

Nocturne fans shut the fuck up challenge