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I'm writing this as someone who is trying to get into the game to be somewhat good at it (attend a local here or there, maybe compete more if I feel the urge to be the best) and the general gameplay of Tekken 8 is unlike anything I've ever seen. I've played Tekken 7 for a little bit because I saw a random Core-A Gaming video where Yuyu gave a tutorial on how to play Xiaoyu, realized I had the game in my library but never touched it, and played for probably 50 hours max. I was never good at Tekken 7, but it was always fun to hop in and play with a friend or two. I would've played Jin if I was going to take it seriously, but I didn't really care for it because I was focusing on Street Fighter 6 competitively.

Fast forward to the drop of Tekken 8, and I can safely say that though there are some QOL issues at launch, the game itself is actually really, really, really fun.
What's amazing:
-The gameplay. As a beginner (I dropped Xiaoyu and picked up Reina) it feels like this game has some of the best handholding new players to get into. The community on social media is also welcoming from what I've seen, as there are plenty of YouTube and Twitter tutorials that give you a lot of comprehensive advice to learn a game so daunting.
-Haven't played the story (because I don't care enough to) but it legitimately looks like the biggest nostalgia trip for Tekken oldheads as well as a lot of silly hype and fun for all people who play it.
-The newcomers are so diverse and fun that I think this is the first time in a while I've seen such an even split between who's playing who (minus Reina, because everyone loves her).
-The training mode is fantastic. Having a mode which tells you how to punish certain moves (and also not needing to pay for framedata lol) makes it so much easier to learn the game for people who want to see how their character works.
-Very solid online play. I've experienced some issues (and noticeable ones at that) but if you're fighting someone with a good connection and an ethernet cable, you can play people in a large radius and feel little to no issues.
-I'm sure you guys have seen the customization. I need to say nothing on that.
-Large and diverse roster at launch makes DLC feel like much less of a scam compared to things like launch SFV. Of course, I could be biased because I didn't play much of old Tekken, so seeing all these returning characters is a fresh experience for me, and if you are a returning player you might not feel the same way.

What sucks:
The system to add friends and invite them to lobbies sucks. You need to meet them in a public fight lounge (think Battle Hub in SF6), then add them, then back out, then change the lobby settings because instant rematch isn't on, then open a lobby, etc. It's hellish, and I hope they fix it. I think SF6 and Granblue Fantasy VS Rising had it just right.
-No training mode while waiting in a lobby.
-You can't add friends from some menu where you search for them like CFN. You NEED to find them in a public room first.
-My computer is really strong(Ryzen 9, 3060ti, 32GB RAM) and the game will randomly frame drop. You have to change the settings like crazy because the "optimal" settings the game gives you sometimes won't work. Turn on REBAR in the BIOS if your computer can handle it, or install third party packages. Don't think this is much of an issue on console.
-If you have two monitors, you might want to be careful of clicking off the game, as it might just teleport to your other monitor. I haven't experienced this recently, so it may be patched, but on launch this would always happen whenever I alt-tabbed out. Just a warning in case it still exists.
-$70 lol

All in all, I hope they fix the QOL stuff, but the new age of fighting games is looking splendid. No matter how daunting this game is, if you want to get into Tekken, this is your time. There is no better moment to then right now.

Waiting for the final rollback patch.

This review contains spoilers

Going from 0 to this feels like a massive downgrade in some aspects, though I'm not rating this lower because I can at least understand it's a remake of an incredibly old game. The story is noticeably worse, the substories are all fight related or just boring save for the normal few, and I [kind of but not really spoiler alert -----------------------------] just watched a lot of the characters I liked die for what felt like no reason at times. I know the reasons and how they were story relevant and all that, but the story did not feel good enough to warrant them or me feeling sad enough for them.

I heard Kiwami 2 is better. Can't wait.