this was fun to play in a vc with my drunk and/or high friends but would be less fun to play sober and alone.

sorry i need to be a hater this was kinda cringe. enjoyed some of it but it was kinda cringe

what if i said i kind of enjoyed yiik

i love this vn so much but it suffers for reasons i will not get into. i played this in the car during a road trip and on multiple occasions i exclaimed "what the fuck" very loudly.

play yudashi peril floraison or you are homophobic

very ok game. good for killing time

I have Tales about this game which deeply concern my friends. I think they're pretty funny though


i used to play this on my mother's busted up tablet in the back of the car with my sticky little baby hands & because of that it will always have a special place in my heart. live laugh love worms


there isn't much I can say about off that hasn't already been said but uh

I'm rating this 5 stars not only because the game is cool as fuck but because playing this genuinely helped with my French. I think if you're learning another language the best thing to do is play/read/watch things that genuinely interest you (like surreal rpgmaker games or gay fanfiction. maybe even of those surreal rpgmaker games) instead of consuming bullshit edutainment. unless you like bullshit edutainment, that is.

not going to spoil anything but i started fucking BAWLING and it ruined my face mask. umm full review coming once i complete it 100% but let's just say. friendship ended with cum on bus now dasaku is my best friend

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i liked the part where you get attacked by a bear. just to clarify i don't mean the actual bear attack ending i mean mason