A childhood favorite that I'm finally able to say I've beaten. It was a super fun experience, even though I got stuck in that fricking tomb level for like 5 hours.

Excellent shooter. A lot of follow the leader moments that I didn't enjoy. I recommend playing on at least Ranger mode if not playing Survival. Spartan/Normal was too easy and felt more like a generic shooter than the survival horror experience the game was going for.

It's the most ideal Jet Set Radio 3. The OST is amazing, the graphics are crisp, the gameplay is fun as hell. One thing I didn't expect was there to be combat and such an engaging story. I wish combat was a little more fleshed out.

This is my Game of The Year, I haven't put it down since Friday

I just got bored, like annoyingly bored. I want to enjoy this game, but deep down, the core mechanics and systems are flawed and leave me with a bad taste.

The open world is a checklist for each area and while it looks fantastic, there isn't anything that stands out. The box art default design is the most concrete character design in the game. Which sucks because everything else looks like a procedurally generated monstrosity. Combat seems complex at first, but is incredibly drab.

My new go to example for Wasted Potential.

Man, I love this game. The music choice is excellent, and nothing gets me going more than a rhythm game with a full fledge story mode. The gameplay loop is so addicting to me compared to other "follow the track rhythm games".

A hidden gem that's a must-play for any music game lover

These stages are too damn long!

Regardless, this music is spectacular, and the gameplay is pretty fun even tho Hyrdrocity Zone is the worst Sonic level I've ever played (yet)

An incredibly hard but fun rhythm game, surprisingly with an in depth story. Finally, being able to understand it with the English patch, there's some laugh out loud moments I had while playing this game. I loved every second of it, though you can tell this was made for dreamcast controllers specifically.

A thought-provoking JRPG that focuses more on the historical context of Frédéric Chopin and recreating it in a more fantastical world. The characters and world around such a weird premise is masterful, and with the help of an all star sound team along with Chopin's catalog, this is easily one of the best video games sonically.

Though the same can't be said for the actual story and gameplay of the game. The story was interesting at first, but felt too splintered to tell a complete story from start to finish, leaving me with more questions at the end than answered. While I enjoyed the unique pseudo turned based combat and its light and dark elements, there are difficulty spikes that can make you struggle on an otherwise relaxing journey. I just wished I got to explore this world more and get to understand how it all intertwines, but instead you are railroaded from dungeon to dungeon with small breaks in towns and breathers onto a bigger story.

I enjoyed my time, even though sometimes I loathed treading through another dungeon. If you're a JRPG fan, this is a must-play for me.

(side note: the PS3 version has more content and rebalances the game to be harder and grindier than the 360 version, so that might be a cause to some of my frustrations)


Beyond its time, even today. From the incredible story and the characters involved, to the mind-bending physics effects with portals and gravity defying puzzles. I've never felt the sheer terror of an alien invasion until this game and as you escape, a masterpiece in world design.

Not for me. I got to about the 3/4th mark and couldn't help myself to continue playing. I didn't really enjoy the world that was built up and didn't really have interest in it.

This is not a good game. A lot of my complaints with the first game are still here but worse. Combat has gotten a bigger emphasis, but is easily the worst aspect of the game.

From a historical standpoint, this game is amazing to dive into. Just seeing the FMV magic working in real time never ceases to amazing me.

They improve the gun play once again, but fail to deliver an engaging story, let alone a fun experience through and through. It's incredibly generic and a disgrace from where the series start.

A big regression in everything but presentation. Once again, it's an awkward blend of Horror and Shooter. While gunplay is more finely tuned, it's feel more like a generic corridor shooter from the times of CoD's big boom.

For my first time ever playing this, I can see how much this game inspired the medium. Such an amazing game, that still got a couple jumps out of me.