Surprisingly serviceable. I can tell what they wanted to do but were unfortunately pushed to make it more action oriented. It's a fun game and especially cool as this is the first time seeing Raccoon city in full 3D

Still a fun fantasy adventure. The kick button never gets old. Though, the PC port was really buggy with modern systems. It kept crashing and it autoskipped all but the first cutscene, so I don't know what the hell happened. The kick button was worth the entire journey.

Now that recency bias has worn off, I can reflect on this game better. My initial praises are still valid, though with caveats: The combat is amazing, though shallow once you dive deeper into it. Character building is almost nonexistent since there is no real investment in a specific skill with quick respecing. While I still really love the story of this game for the more mature tone, at many points I felt it dragged on a little too long.

The graphics are gorgeous and some of these set pieces are some of the best I've seen, but the world is forgettable. Littered with many lifeless NPCs and side quest that didn't flesh out the world as much as I would hope, Along with the "Open Zone' design, I didn't feel a connection to the world as much as I felt to the characters changing it.

Excellent shooter. A lot of follow the leader moments that I didn't enjoy. I recommend playing on at least Ranger mode if not playing Survival. Spartan/Normal was too easy and felt more like a generic shooter than the survival horror experience the game was going for.

If you can get over the sluggish controls and frustrating platforming over insta death pits, Shinobi is a stylish game with a gameplay loop that never gets old to execute. Personally, the controls fought against me more than helped me succeed. The good parts of this game are overshadowed by the very serious negatives.

One of the worst games i've ever played.

A fun ass beat 'em up with some minute RPG elements to make replaying on new characters that much of a joy. Not too difficult, and the abilities that you learn as you level up each are game changing in making the combat more fluid as the journey continues.

Platforming + Survival Horror = An unfun experience. The controls do not help the game in the slightest. The menus are obtuse and every single enemy in this game is not fun to fight.

An incredible story bolted down by some modern gaming tropes. The combat and presentation is still top of its class compared to its contemporaries, but the gearscore-ification of a classical action adventure series doesn't do it any favors. Ignoring these open world and RPG elements, you have a fun action game with a great story once again.

An incredibly fun character action game with a surprisingly compelling story. The fixed camera movements are dynamic and emphasis the epic adventure you embark on

An enjoyable game with an amazing story and set pieces. Though I feel combat has taken a downgrade compared to the first game. A lot more quick time events and puzzles to compensate for this lack of improvement in combat.

One of the best character action games, and the pinnacle of the Original Trilogy in all aspects.

A very realistic MMO simulation, with a rich world and engaging gameplay, hindered by a contradictory plot and presentation.

A rudimentary Hulk game without the Hulk. A lot of emphasis on weapons and vehicles that play to its detriment.

Controls take some getting used to, and getting lost often feels like a regress in progress. Overall, a fun time and a good transition to 3D for Metroid.