This is the best Star Wars game. The combat is quick and rewarding, same with exploration. The story was spectacular and honestly makes me wish this was a movie or show.

A Good game makes you think about it even when you're not playing it. I loved the world building and cryptic environmental storytelling. A perfect Metroidvania.


The penultimate shooter. A perfect game.

A wonderful story with amazing gameplay. Impactful side content and meaningful progression, along with a world that feel like it was lifted directly from the real world itself.

An almost perfect game. There isn't a single part of the game that wasn't well crafted.

The game was overhyped. I wasn't blown away with the story or presentation. It's an incredible game, gameplay wise.

Just like binging a weekly show, you see the previews, you see the openings and credits. It made a mood that sucked me in . The gameplay is dynamic, the boss fights are some of the best I've played. One of my favorite games of all time.

The story gets so convoluted that I gave up on caring. Serviceable gameplay and world exploration. It goes on for so long, and there are parts that feel like it could've been a more impactful ending there.

It's unique, for sure. I felt it overstayed its welcome. The controls fight back against you a lot, especially in later levels.

Waiting for the PS5 Upgrade was a godsend. This game was worth the wait. Story was breathtaking. Emergent gameplay makes this one of the best sandboxes I've played in recent years

A charming story with a beautiful presentation. Too bad the gameplay even for the time is dated.

With this soft reboot, my hopes for the future of Musou as a genre is at an all-time high. Some of the best systems and mechanics, and a story that's finally grounded for the Sengoku era. Did not like a lot of the clone move sets or the lack of a concrete extra mode. I believe XL, Empires, or another Spin-off title like Spirit of Sanada will help fix some of the more deep-rooted issues the game has.


It's just a good ass game, bruh. Like, the kinda open world game that you just live in for a moment.

The best gameplay in the series by a landslide, but incredibly janky. The story is the disjointed and unwelcoming at times. The graphics are ugly in an ugly way, not in the "that's still kinda cool" way it tries to portray. A good framework for the future of the series.