9 reviews liked by spidergirlpalps

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i want harry to be happy

ALMOST beat this in one sitting. the motion controls were very immersive because i was probably in as much agony and confusion as harry was. once i learned how to use them it wasnt so bad :) fun game i loved the snow

DOGGY!!!!!!!!!!!!!this game is so good it makes me want to cry

the performance and graphical issues are rly disappointing. arvens storyline did make me tear up several times though

shadow the hedgehog may cry with spike spiegel...?the game ever
vincent is so cool and handsome i love vincent

this game caused me chest pains

i appreciate how immersive this game is because i was probably just as confused and panicked as a small child would be in this situation

"Consider this," jan Misali once said regarding Donkey Kong. "is there a way of interpreting the phrase 'overcoming great obstacles' any more literally than a person jumping over a large object that's in their way?"

Celeste comes across to me as a game about climbing a mountain, for people climbing their own mountains.
Maybe its way of representing these themes aren't as completely consistently presented as I would have wished, but I think it's still fairly in line with where I feel I'm at currently, and it's a compelling experience through and through.

I'll make another review once I've seen what Chapters 8 and 9 have in store for me.

┃┃╱╲ in
┃╱╱╲╲ this
▔▏┗┛▕▔ we
the celeste soundtrack by lena raine
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